Getting the Bilge Ready for Epoxy

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by gillam77, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. GG
    Joined: Jan 2008
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    GG offshore artie

    You should shut your hole considering your location is Homer and is that a misspelling and do i really need to go into that.
  2. GG
    Joined: Jan 2008
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    GG offshore artie

    Allen , just for the record do you think any of these guys have ever worked at Penn Yan boat Co in Penn Yan new york along with working there when they were a kid growing up or have any idea how the bilge might have looked when the boat left the factory ?
  3. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    You guys are going to laugh... I kept a wood boat going for years by spraying the bilge with wd40.
  4. GG
    Joined: Jan 2008
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    GG offshore artie

    HA HA HA Good one and if it worked for you who cares .:D
  5. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    G.G. I don't know what you've done, nor where you've worked, but I don't think anyone other then you, is going to question my experience. So, instead of looking for things to get offended about, why not attempt to participate in the effort here. In other words, if posting to find fault, flaw or other self appointed indulgence is your only motivation, then I can suggest other sites where speaking with others of this type is desirable.

    In short, I'll bet my understanding of Penn Yan's methods, practices and techniques is considerably better then yours and challenging everyone here, that have long proven their worth with many previous helpful contributions, isn't appreciated nor tolerable. In the short time you've been here, you managed to develop a negative reputation, which at the very least hints at the opinion others have of your attempts at participation here. How long do you think you can continue before multiple complaints force the site moderators to consider the many rather then the few (or the one). I suspect it's within you to manage a way of getting along. Please attempt to do so.
  6. GG
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    GG offshore artie

    Par i could careless about your experience and the only reason i am writing this is because i have seen previous threads locked down because you folks seem to let Apex1 bad mouth everyone with rude and derogatory remarks along with claming to run the show (forum) and a prime example of that is a thread that was locked down which was called tramson repair which got very heated between APEX1 ,WHO always seems to be at the for front of trouble , Astute Boats from Spain ,and yourself and just by chance who do you think .........always seems to come to the rescue like a Knight in shinning in Armour ? Hey guy once again i do not have that nice piece of paper hanging on the wall (degree) because everything thing that i have learned in this business is hands on using all composites and just curious what type of degree do you really think you need to own and run one of the most successful boat co's in the world like Skater ? Par ................?
  7. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Well, what a noble person G.G.. To come to the rescue of us poor, battered souls. We should be so grateful that you've enlightened the discussion and tamed the wild beasts and what's that, inverted air too, well you truly are mighty . . . full of yourself or something . . . are we to bow towards Michigan every time you post?
  8. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    A few of them have rack and pen yan steering in their trucks although I have recirculating balls, which at least entertains the ladies on the steering committee.

  9. troy2000
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Too much information.... :eek:
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