Germanischer Lloyd (GL) rules free

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by MikeJohns, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Thanks Stu, no dl bar appears. Just the pdf file chapter 2 (which I have in printed matter).
    But I would be interested now how you managed to dl that?

  2. MikeJohns
    Joined: Aug 2004
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    MikeJohns Senior Member

    The rules are there in full not just the contents. BUT you need an integrated pdf reader with your browser.
    Re-install the latest free Adobe Acrobat and allow it to install the browser plug-ins.

  3. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    sometimes it´s better to just go to bed.......................
    I have the plug -ins deactivated!!!
    But in general I am ok (peptic). Thanks

  4. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

    As far as I known, there is no such thing as plan approval or CE mark. Only a real boat can have a CE mark.

    The only thing I see for plan is a design review, wich could tell you if the boat is built stricly by plan, might be category A, B,C or D. Not the "might" that implies absolutely no warranty at all as most notified bodies will prefer to check weight or VCG by measures on the real thing, not reading plans. There are often differences in that domain between plans and reality. :p
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2017
  5. Guest62110524

    Guest62110524 Previous Member

    please explain?are you saying the boat I build is not a real boat?
    or that Germanicher do not plan approve real boats? or? merci
    oh I sent pm to you did you receive? a day or so ago
  6. valber
    Joined: Feb 2006
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    valber Naval Architect

    Germanischer Lloyd (GL) rules Off-line...

    Only Part 3 - Special Craft.

    Attached Files:

  7. joak21
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    joak21 New Member

    Hi Guys,

    I know its a bit old but for the folks that need it in the future, google this link:

    And you get the 2007 LR rules, keep on looking with the right search command and you will get the whole series. Safe spending a few 100 bucks.

    Wanted to thank you guys for the help on your forums.
  8. valber
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    valber Naval Architect

  9. athvas
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    athvas Senior Member

    It says the requested page is not available !!!!
  10. valber
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    valber Naval Architect

    Germanischer Lloyd (GL) rules off-line...

    Free Adobe Reader should be installed to read rules.

    Here is GL rules edition 2012 (only Part 3 & Part 4)

    Attached Files:

    Niclas Vestman likes this.
  11. athvas
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    athvas Senior Member

    Thanks valber....

    where can i get rest of the parts is it free online...............
  12. MikeJohns
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    MikeJohns Senior Member

    The link is here :

    That's a link to all the available online rules. Note that you must have a pdf reader integrated with your web browser (and enabled) to use this. The pdf the above link points to is a list of further links to the various rules.

    I find it doesn't work with the pdf reader integration with Firefox for some reason but works fine with Microsoft's Internet Explorer. So people might need to change a few settings to get the links linking.
  13. alanrockwood
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    alanrockwood Senior Member

    The link doesn't work. Is there an updated link?
  14. valber
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    valber Naval Architect

  15. alanrockwood
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    alanrockwood Senior Member

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