Germanischer Lloyd (GL) rules free

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by MikeJohns, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. MikeJohns
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    MikeJohns Senior Member

    Here's a link to the free download of Germanischer Lloyd (GL) rules . They can be hard to find for most people trying to navigate the site in English.

    Note this is the German Lloyds which has nothing to do with Lloyds register, although the two often seem to be confused.

    Happy reading
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  2. Guest62110524

    Guest62110524 Previous Member

    wow, nice
    now where's my calculater
    ' IN WAY OF STERN POST ETC , plate shall be incraesed by 1.5 t of shell"
    Can this , do you think be doubler, or must it be insertion, and if your pl; is in excess of requirement?
  3. Willallison
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    Willallison Senior Member

    Thanks Mike!
    I shall refrain from entering into my usual tirade about how all classification societies should publish their rules for free....;)
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  4. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

    Where have you seen that GL rules are fully CE compliant ? Of course GL can CE certify a boat. But it will be done against ISO/RCD rules which are the only legal ones, not GL rules.

    At least, rules for special crafts, boats and yachts under 24 m are dated 2003. ISO rules for structure 12215-5 and details 12215-6 , rudders 12215-8 have been published or updated in 2008. Keels / rigs 12215-9 is currently in draft version.

    What I have been said (note I may be wrong) is that real classification societies will give up on boats smaller than 24m. They will take the ISO text, and will just change the design category factor. As an example if the ISO text states that fw is 0.75 in category C, 0.9 in category B, and 1 in category A. The classification society will just ask for fw to be 1.2 or 1.3.
  5. MikeJohns
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    MikeJohns Senior Member

    Yes it may be that I'm confused there since I got the material indirectly from the shanghai office and I am not designing to CE/RCD.

    They say ....
    'GL is fully accredited for CE for those wishing to export to Europe'
    They say that their scantlings will meet or exceed the ISO requirements for <24m.

    Do you know if there has been any contradiction to this case ?
    I would expect now that that both BV and GL scantling rules are going to be CE compliant ?

  6. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect


    It does depend upon the flag state and the size of vessel. Class is just that Class. But in order to be "allowed" on the water is the Flag's domain.

    If you have designed/built a boat to Class, say GL, and is also compliance with some other rules, say HSC Code, then it supersedes the ISO.

    As for below 24m, you're correct. For example, LR now don't even bother with full approvals anymore on vessels below 24m, just a Class stamp (ie main dwgs been looked at, if requested) but no formal surveys etc.

    It is becoming a mine field!

    I doubt any Class rules will ever become fully CE compliant. Rules such as the LR's SSC rules and DNV's HSLC, their limitations are the lower and upper ends of the 'spectrum' of size. Several years ago I had a battle with LR on 5mm side plate on an 18m boat...why 5mm, because the rules defaluted to that. To go below is beyond the parameters of the "main target size", and hence they feel uncomfortable allowing anything less these days. Was different 10 years ago!
    Niclas Vestman likes this.
  7. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

    Their scantling probably exceed the ISO one (I have not checked). And even, they do not cover girders and floors for keel as iso 12215-9. (ok draft only currently).

    But the scantlings alone are not enought to have the CE mark. Such items as field of vision from helm, toerail height or catwalk width, engine noise and pollution are required to have the CE mark and are not even handled in the GL rules under 24m.
  8. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    as far as I know there are no rules for free access at GL.

    The .pdf provided is just a table of content. No rules!?

    To the CE issues, a real mess and as mentioned, a mine field. But GL rules exceed ISO in general, so I found the claims on scantlings being compliant true. But I do´nt have many vessels in class, the average client is fine with the (worthless imho) CE stamp.
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  9. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

    You should check the 2008 BV rules in the other post. At the beginning, there is a table explaining what you want to check : class, CE or both. Some times, class rules exceed ISO rules, so class is enough, other time you have to match both ISO + class, or there is only ISO/RCD.

    I fear it is the same for other classification societies.
  10. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    "...CE mark. Such items as field of vision from helm, toerail height or catwalk width, engine noise and pollution are required to have the CE mark and are not even handled in the GL rules under 24m...."

    This is because Class rules differ form Flag rules and reg's. If Class is requested to perform Flag compliance then they will. But Field of vision etc etc is a Flag compliance NOT a Class requirement.
  11. gwboats
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    gwboats Naval Architect

    GL Rules Free Download

    To answer the point made by apex1 concerning the free download.
    You need to go to the GL Rules webpage ( and click on the pdf link on the right (Rules & Guidelines pdf).
    This will open a 'live' version of the index and you can select any chapter heading shown to get the complete chapter as a separate pdf.
    It is a bit of a grunt but you can select each heading in turn and save each pdf to build up a set of rules.
    Hope this helps.

    Graham Westbrook
    Naval Architect

    Westbrook Marine Projects Ltd.
  12. Guest62110524

    Guest62110524 Previous Member

    the class B, had no view, when I asked the salesperson he said they were going to provide a seat, but standing there was no view at all, I do not know how he got it past
    the second is the view from ours, should be ok

    yes it seems very good-- all drop downs do open
    Lloyds and ABS Have not been doing small boats for a number of years
    I am having one plan approved now by CE Mark Uk, Will ask them what they know
    fcfc, ca va?
    what is the best webhosting address en France
    where to you live
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  13. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Thank you Graham, nothing opens.
    I even tried the I diotic E xplorer (usually banned from my computers), but nothing than tables of content!?

  14. Guest62110524

    Guest62110524 Previous Member

  15. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Thanka Stu, no dl bar appears. Just the pdf file chapter 2 (which I have in printed matter).
    But I would be interested now how you managed to dl that?

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