Germanischer Lloyd corrosion allowances

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by ldigas, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. ldigas
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    ldigas Senior Member

    In the GL books, part I-3-3, Section 1 (Hull structures), F (Metal hulls), Page 1-85, point 14.1. Table 1.51. it says "the rules used already embody the following corrosion allowances ... "

    for thicknesses <= 10mm 0.5mm
    for thicknesses >10mm 0.3*thickness + 0.2; max. 1.0mm

    It should probably be 0.03*thickness.

    'tis a harmless typo really, but I still don't like seeing them in Rules' books. Anyone here working or has any connections to GL that can ask them to rectify it?
  2. Olav
    Joined: Dec 2003
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    Olav naval architect

    A friend of mine works at GL, but in the Stability Dept. I can ask him to forward your find, but I don't think the GL staff would kill you if you dropped them a line yourself. ;)
  3. ldigas
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    ldigas Senior Member

    Meh, wasn't able to find an email of the Rules editor on GL website, so I mailed it to headoffice@... with the request to forward it to whom it may concern.

    Not too sure if it'll ever reach the person in charge but ... :/
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