George Sutton 78

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Sydbab, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Sydbab
    Joined: Jun 2014
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    Sydbab New Member

    Hi i live in Sydney Australia and I have bought a George Sutton 78 foot steel ketch in Mobile AL , it has no interior , I am looking for Member names "treworgy yacht" , this member had some access to Old Sutton boat works plans and I would like to talk to him . In 2008 her lived at 2316 S Oceanshore Blvd. Flagler Beach, FL 32136
    Thanks in advance for any help

  2. Eric Sponberg
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    Eric Sponberg Senior Member

    H Dave,

    Welcome to the forum. By Googling "treworgy yachts" I obtained the following link: yachts.html

    This resort has the same address that you gave. Mark Treworgy may have something to do with this resort, or the people who run it may know where he is.

    The boatyard in Palm Coast (just north of Flagler Beach and south of St. Augustine) has changed hands in the interim--it became the home of Newcastle Yachts where they built boats up to 165 ft. It was owned in part by Kevin Keith, whose father owned Keith Marine in Palatka, FL. The father has passed on, and now Newcastle Marine has moved into the old Keith Marine facility. The Palm Coast yard right now I believe is not occuppied.

    That's as much as I know in a nutshell. If the link to Island Cottage Villas does not work, see if you can get hold of Kevin Keith at Newcastle Marine--he may know more.

    I hope that helps.

  3. Sydbab
    Joined: Jun 2014
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    Sydbab New Member


    Hi Eric
    Just a short note to say thanks , I have manage to contact Mark from your information and he remembers the boat and he said he will look through his files to see if he has anything on it .
    Thanks again you are a credit to this forum
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