Generating hull offsets for the ORC VPP

Discussion in 'Software' started by PaulKIFH, Mar 30, 2022.

  1. PaulKIFH
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    PaulKIFH New Member

    For my bachelor thesis I use the ORC VPP and therefore have to create an .off file for it with the Rhino plug-in. After all other things have been defined (freeboard marks, etc.) I still get the following error message from the LPP.

    "The following tags were not closed: ims_xml_datafile.
    Line: 0"

    Does anyone know this problem or has a simpler method to create ORC offset files?



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  2. KFW
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    KFW Junior Member

    I have been having the same issue. Were you able to find any solution?
  3. PaulKIFH
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    PaulKIFH New Member

    Hey KFM,
    yes indeed, i found my mistake and got it up and running.
    You got the same error message?
  4. KFW
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    KFW Junior Member

    Yes, I am getting the same "ims_xml_datafile. Line: 0" error when I run the "Run LPP" command.
    "Validate Offset" is clean. All sections look good, nothing sticks out as a problem. I am new to the software, and not really sure where to begin troubleshooting.

    Was the issue you found within the point data or an issue with how the file was generated?
  5. PaulKIFH
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    PaulKIFH New Member

    My Problem was that I didn’t define all the points. Means every section needs to have a point defined as the sheerline (number code 1) and all the poke throughs have to be defined as either a regular poke through (number code 2) oder as leading/trailing edge of an appendage (should be number code 8/9 i think) they are all listed at the end of the documentation.
  6. KFW
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    KFW Junior Member

    That did it, thank you!
  7. PaulKIFH
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    PaulKIFH New Member

    No Problem, glad I could help.
    What are you using the DVPP for?
  8. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    EDIT: Xpost so never mind.

    I have no knowledge with this particular program, however as someone who has written code before, are you sure that you data file has been specifically closed out with the correct eof sequence/character?.
    XML is a markup language created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to define a syntax for encoding documents that both humans and machines could read. It does this through the use of tags that define the structure of the document, as well as how the document should be stored and transported. So "The following tags were not closed: ims_xml_datafile. Line: 0" means exactly that.
    Many codes allow you to manually input the offset data and automatically generate the saved geometry data file, in whatever format the program needs, then automatically closes out the file with everything it needs. Often when a second party geometry program is used to generate the offsets/mesh even though you think the file formats are compatible, they often miss program specific tags/markers, especially end of data markers for free form input. We always had to edit the Rhino .gdf and AutoCAD .dgx files so WAMIT would take them.

  9. KFW
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    KFW Junior Member

    I'm using the DVPP to generate preliminary polars for a recent new-build.
    The sheer point tag seems like it should be a simple enough thing to include, will have to wade into the python script and see if I can get the script to insert it into the file automatically....
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