Gene-Hull version for Dinghy

Discussion in 'Software' started by Dolfiman, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    I am pleased to propose you a new version of Gene-Hull dedicated for Dinghy. Here attached are the spreadsheet application (ods. file that can be opened with either Open office or Libre office), the User guide and 6 examples : variants on the theme of a 14 ft cat-boat dinghy (Lhull 4,27 m ; Bhull 1,60 m).

    I remind you that you can have also in this Software forum :
    The Catamaran 2,4 version :
    Gene-Hull version for Catamaran
    The Sailing yacht 2,3 versions :
    Gene-Hull upgrade 2,3
    and its tutorial :
    Tutorial for Gene-Hull UE 2,3

    The Canoe 2,3 version is here in the Design Forum , quote #58 :
    Canoe length, efficiency and speed

    By hoping these applications can be helpful for your early stage projects,

    Attached Files:

    Mikko Brummer and Dejay like this.
  2. Mikko Brummer
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    Mikko Brummer Senior Member

    Thank you Dolfiman!
  3. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    I am pleased to propose you here attached an upgraded version 2,41 of Gene-Hull VE Dinghy spreadsheet application, including more specifically :
    ** the option of an additionnal shaping of the hull body sections
    ** the hull with any load can be studied within its hydrostatic equilibrium when upright or with an heel angle, given that the load (i.e. the crew weight) is a major factor of a dinghy design (Bwl and draft, wetted surface, stability, righting moment, …)
    ** a perspective view, in complement to the traditionnal 3 views 2D

    Also attached an updated version of the User guide and a lot of examples covering a wide variety of typical designs (+ some non conventionnal thanks to the additionnal shaping option) on the theme of a 14' cat-boat dinghy. The input data of the first example (named D1) are in place in the spreadsheet.

    By hoping all these is clear, easy (and fun) to use and helpful for you for an early stage project.

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  4. Mikko Brummer
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    Mikko Brummer Senior Member

    Great job again, Dolfiman, and interesting examples/comparisons file, too. May I suggest that you would add one spreadsheet page with just the x-y-z coordinates of the sections, for an easy export for a 3D-CAD model. With the keel line & sheer line. And keel and rudder, and maybe even mast and sail outlines? I believe all the info is there now, but just a little tedious to extract.
  5. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Dear Mikko, thanks for your like and comments.
    The output data for the export for a 3D-CAD are gathered in the dedicated section 5. of the Gene-Hull sheet (lines 270 to 366) , including :
    5.1 Hull sections : the x,y,z coordinates + on the right side a "Check C4 offset data" figure (it's for me to check that these data are ok).
    5.2 Keel line : the x,z coordinates
    5.3 Hard chine(s) (if any) and Sheer line : the x,y,z coordinates + on the right side the "Check keel and sheer lines (in plan x,z projection)" and "Check sheer line (in plan xy projection)"
    5.4 Deck / central line : the x,z coordinates (Nota : in the Dinghy case the deck is actually "virtual", but can be used to define a real front deck and to initiate the benches)
    5.4 Daggerboard : the Naca reference and data at 6 levels + the x,z coordinates of the profile (in the plan xz)
    5.5 Rudder : the Naca reference and data at 6 levels + the x,z coordinates of the profile (in the plan xz)

    I have recopied all these info "as built" for the D1 case in the pdf here attached.

    Mast foot position and height (/ Z = 0 level) are input data in the Sailplan sheet : cells B3 and B4
    >>> but yes I can better detailed the mast, boom and sail geometrical 2D data, in the case of cat-boat with a main sail.

    Ok, in a next version, I can put these info in a specific sheet page, for a better visibility and easier extraction.

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  6. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Hi Mikko, I did this new version 2,42 here attached, including a new sheet « Offsets x,y,z » where are gathered all the geometrical data necessary for an easy export to a 3D modeller : for the hull sections, for the keel line, transition line (if any), hard chine line(if any) and sheer lines, for the daggerboard, for the rudder, for the mainsail (2D projection). Consequently, the sub-section 5. of the Gene-Hull sheet, initially dedicated to that task, is erased. There is no modification of the input data which are like in the 2,41 previous version, so no trouble for the user, just more output data.
    Also attached the updated version of the User guide.

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  7. Mikko Brummer
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    Mikko Brummer Senior Member

    Thank you so much, Dolfiman. Your Gene-hulls are such a great contribution for anyone interested in yacht design.
  8. VincentL
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    VincentL New Member

    Is it possible to export from gene hull to a rhinoceros 3D with curve or something like this ?

    best regards
  9. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Thanks for your interest in Gene-Hull. I am not familiar with Rhino3D, as I said in a quote above, I added a specific sheet in Gene-Hull appli where offsets x,y,z for sections, keel line, sheer line, hard Chine line if any, ...are output, that should help transfer to any kind of 3D modeller, at least it is the purpose. If you can specify me the needed data and format, I can see what could be arrange.
  10. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    Does it work in Excel?
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
  11. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    No problem to answer Yes but with Excel I am afraid you will get a just copy of the file without formulations activated. You can get the same kind of copy with using just OOReader, a free application.
    To take advantage of Gene-Hull, which is an .ods file, you should open it with either Open Office or Libre Office (which can be themselves downloaded for free) and then save it under the name you want, the save version will be fully operational.
    I myself develop Gene Hull with Open Office Apache version 4.0.1 dated 2016, I am very happy with that version, never faced a serious problem, at the worst when I ordered a too extreme operation by mistake, it stops but proposing a recovery button of the last saved version, which always worked.

  12. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    ahh, okay, it kind of worked in Excel, but that all makes sense now, thanks...sorry to be an idiot, my pc auto opened in Excel...
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