Gene-Hull Dinghy 3.0 version, and post-applications Stab and VPP in connection.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Dolfiman, Dec 18, 2021.

  1. Dolfiman
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    I propose you an upgraded version 3.0 of Gene-Hull Dinghy ( / the previous version 2.42) , a spreadsheet application oriented for an early stage project : this new version is mostly justified by sections shape new formulation, inc. for topsides in case of an hard chine, allowing a wider variety of shape with more control.

    In addition to this core upgrade, dinghy versions of the VPP (Velocity prediction) and of the Stab (stability issue) applications are also proposed in connection. I named them respectively Gene-VPP Dinghy 3.0 and Gene-Stab Dinghy 3.0 to remind the connection with Gene-Hull Dinghy (to note that Gene-VPP Dinghy can also be used stand alone). In particular, Gene-Stab Dinghy is helpful to evaluate the dinghy intrinsic stability as investigated in a previous post :
    About dinghy intrinsic stability : proposition for a standard assessment | Boat Design Net

    So in short, Gene-Hull, Gene-Stab, Gene-VPP for a dinghy are 3 connected tools proposed to cover the early stage phase of a project, facilitating numerous iterations.

    As usual, also here attached are the updated User guides and Examples covering a broad range of typical designs, of which input data are also in the storage sheets ready for a copy paste. The input data for the dinghy example named D1,1 are in place in the 3 applications.

    For the beginner of Gene-Hull : it is recommended to first test the influence of each adimensional parameters, without changing the geometrical data, to see and learn about the influence of each one, in conjunction with the explanations given in the User Guide.

    For the more advanced user : you can take advantage of one of the examples showed in the « Examples » document, of which input data are stored in the « Hulls storage » sheet , to start a new project.

    It is a free and open source speadsheet application, developed on a support itself free and widespread (Open Office Calc 4.0.1) : to open and use an ods file, you need either Open Office or Libre office on your PC, if necessary to download according to :
    ODS File Extension - What is an ods file and how do I open an ods file? | OpenTheFile

    By hoping this new version can be helpful for your early stage projects. As a remind, you can also be interested by :

    For a Saiboat project :
    Gene-Hull Sailboat 3.2 version + post-applications Stab and VPP | Boat Design Net

    For a Sailing Catamaran project :
    Gene-Hull Catamaran 3.0 and SA-VPP catamaran 1.0 | Boat Design Net

    For a Canoe project :
    Gene-Hull VE Canoe 2,4 | Boat Design Net

    VPP for Power catamaran :
    SA-VPP power catamaran | Boat Design Net

    Attached Files:

  2. wet feet
    Joined: Nov 2004
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    wet feet Senior Member

    Thank you very much for this.I will probably spend many hours tinkering with ideas now.It obviously represents many hours of work and ought to be taken up by many people with an interest in small boats.
  3. Dolfiman
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Thanks @wet feet for your message and all for your likes, that's are encouragements for me to continue develop such tools. If some points are not clear or easy enough, don't hesitate to ask me for clarifications or help.

  4. Pablo Sopelana
    Joined: Mar 2021
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Thanks @Dolfiman . Your work is amazing.
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