Gelcoat storage life

Discussion in 'Materials' started by mrdebian, May 1, 2021.

  1. mrdebian
    Joined: Apr 2021
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    mrdebian Senior Member

    Hi all,

    Let's say I got in ideal temperatures (16-25oC -- 61oF-77oF) for storing gelcoat in 5kg boxes.
    After how long it will still be safe to use it?
    If let's say is 6 months and I will use it after 1 year, what will be the symptoms on the boat that will use it (small craft, kayak)?

    Thanks in advance
  2. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    Most gel coat has an official shelf life of 3 months, very few, a bit longer. The longer it sits the better chance of it not working correctly.

    Why would you want to store for extended periods of time?
  3. mrdebian
    Joined: Apr 2021
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    mrdebian Senior Member

    I have to import the gelcoat from abroad where I am located and sometimes is difficult to calculate properly the required amount due to the nature of the constructions.
    What will happen let's say if I use in a year from the production date the gelcoat in a small boat hull (kayak)?


  4. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    After a year.

    It may already be hard in the container.

    It may not be sprayable due to changes in its consistency.

    It may not cure correctly.

    Or, it may work well enough to build the kayak.

    These are all possible outcomes, but there's no way to say what will happen ahead of time.

    Storing it in a very cold place, like a refrigerator, will help extend the usable life.
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