Gecko Kurt Hughes formula 40, is it a good buy

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Gecko Kurt Hughes formula 40, is it a good buy?

    I'm curious as to the condition of this boat at 60k and the strength of the Aussie dollar it's affordable but I seem to recall reading somewhere that it was in very poor condition and needing a lot of work has anyone seen this boat recently?? 60k for a hole in the water to tip money into doesnt seem like a good deal.
  2. ThomD
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    ThomD Senior Member

    I was on it before it was rigged, it was a pretty nice boat, somehow more muscular looking than in the photos. I would ask Kurt about condition. I know it's his boat, but I have always found him honest to deal with, to the point of bluntness. What is he going to do? Lie about the basic condition just long enough to tarnish his reputation until you get a survey. What's the point. As to whether any seller knows all the bad news, about a boat, or will talk about it, that's why we have surveys. But I still think he would tell you if it was a project boat vs, a going concern. He is also pretty perfectionist, so I would be surprised if he let it slide into disrepair, but I haven't had any contact with it since before it was rigged so have no idea. Seattle seems to be a hotbed of designers and a lot of petty talk, so I would try to get some direct info, rather than just priming the rumour mill.

    Also, early on, Kurt made a lot of people bristle with his claims for performance, cheapness, and speed, while specifically naming other's designs. Most of these claims seem to be balanced to me, it really isn't hard to make boats that are faster than someone else's so long as you set out with that single goal in mind. So when he launched a Formula 40, well maybe it should have been called Blowback.
  3. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Thanks for the reply Thom I've contacted Kurt via email so we will see what transpires. I'm still vacillating between buying and building a boat as there is a lot of value in the secondhand market even if I cant find anything that exactly meets my criteria. I look at gecko and think if the hull shells and crossbeams are intact and structurally sound and the rig and sails in good condition then it's a proposition. Do you know if the boats demountable by any chance as container transport is significantly less expensive than deck cargo

    I've built and restored a few boats now so I have a pretty good feel for whats required in time and money for the average build and since my business has found it's feet and my wife and I have had kids I'm finding myself more financial than blessed with time.
  4. Vincent DePilli
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    Vincent DePilli Junior Member

    Gecko is on the dock next to my boat. Send me your contact info, I will take some pix for you.

    I am at
  5. ThomD
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    ThomD Senior Member

    Looking over the video I shot at the time (VHS sadly), the beams are bolt on, 8 bolts aft and two large ones forward (per beam, or boat ?) but the amas look to be bonded. It is possible they also demount with minimal de-bondage. Sometimes you get bolts and glue, but the beams really just look to be sitting on cradles in the hull so I don't think they were bonded at the time.

  6. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I've emailed Kurt re: demounting and the boat packs down into a 40' container looking now at arranging survey on the boat Kurt has offered to crane out the boat and clean its bum for the survey so thats reassuring. Will see how the inspection process goes.
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