Fuel Tanks, Batteries etc in same compartment

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Mat-C, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    He said it was in a compartment with a battery therefore it will be ventilated.

    If the tank is defective then it could --he did not say store petrol on leaky tanks.

    I assume it is a proper fuel tank in a proper secure ventilated compartment with proper wiring. If this is not the case I was not aware of it or the OP made mention of it.
  2. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    'Us'...or do you mean you reqs what everyone else accepts as commonsense without having it explained.

    Shirley being an Engineer you don't need an explanation...or do you!
  3. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Explain how it would explode. The OP did not speculate faults just simple storage. Do you want to retract your statement of it exploding or can you explain.
  4. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    What don't you understand about 'regarding the location of fuel (petrol) tanks in the same compartment as batteries or electrical devices (in this case a bow thruster)?'
  5. FMS
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    FMS Senior Member

    Tanks cannot be 100% guaranteed to be leak-proof forever. Metal fuel tanks commonly used in boats have corroded after 15-20 years of use and fuel has leaked into the bilge and foam surrounding tanks. Some integral tanks have been compromised when fuel formulation changed.

    Cars engine compartments are open air engine compartments on the bottom. Gasoline vapor is heavier than air and settles to the lowest point of the compartment unless ventilated out. A fuel or fuel vapor leak in an automobile will end up in the air and ground below the car, not in a confined space containing electrical.
  6. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Oh I get it so when some one asks a question we have to think of all the possible reasons it could not work disregarding the real question.

    Who mentioned car engine compartments I said the boot ---trunk then!!!!

    Many cars with battery in the trunk next to fuel tanks.
  7. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    Tank inside the boot, don't think so. All modern car manufacturers even Chinese car manufacturers mount fuel tanks 'under' the steel trunk floor whether front or rear mounted engine.

    Name and post details of any modern car that has the complete fuel tank cartridge mounted inside the trunk space with filler/breather pipe above the trunk floor or within the steel trunk shell storage space with the battery.
  8. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    guidelines regarding the location of fuel (petrol) tanks in the same compartment as batteries or electrical devices (in this case a bow thruster)?

  9. watchkeeper

    watchkeeper Previous Member

    First rule of shipbuilding - You never ever assume, you only make decissions based on fact.

    CE rules for motor power craft requires all fuel cells to be installed within a sealed under deck comparment with fitted gasket sealed hatch with no cable, hose, limber holes or open penetrations through compartment bulkheads
  10. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Ahh I see now where you getting confused . We are not ship building
  11. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    You never ever assume, you only make decissions based on fact, and seeing first hand yourself . believe little of what people tell you because they dont see what you need to know !!!:p
    ships, boats, dinghys or models all things apply if it floats then it sinks ,big or small all do the same !!!gurgle gurgle !!!:(
  12. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Still no --we were doing niether of those --we were discussing a question.

    Which he will never know because it diverted to what would or could happen to a situation he didnt ask about.

    He did not ask what would happen if he put a leaky fuel tank in a sealed compartment with a sparking battery and a non flame proof bow thruster.

    And you tell me to observe the facts?
  13. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    ooops time out !!! dont take i so personal ,the guy may never have reallised it could be a dangerous combination but he did ask mind you !!
    You ever seen a glass boat burn ?? its really sad and oh what a mess !! :(
  14. midnitmike
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    midnitmike Senior Member

    If it weren't for the fact that people come to this forum seeking the sound advice of professionals the musings of you two would be entertaining to say the least. But lately almost every thread I read is filled with your particular style of homespun nonsense, and it's getting to be rather tedious. You should both follow your own frequently given advice of reading and understanding the question first before offering up your sometimes silly recommendations and or challenging well established safety guidelines.

    There is a wealth of information available on this forum, and it wouldn't hurt either of you to take a moment and try to absorb some of that incredible expertise.

    I've been around boats all of my life and yet it's easy for me to see that I've barely scratched the surface when compared to many of the more prominent members here. I only hope that visitors aren't being put off or mislead so often that this forum becomes less then usless to those in need of guidance.


  15. messabout
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    messabout Senior Member

    Frosty................play nice!

    You are correct in claiming that a cig tossed into a bowl of liquid gasoline will merely snuff the cig. Never mind that it would be tempting fate to do so.

    Liquid fuel is not the problem as long as it stays in liquid form. Fumes, however, will combust readily and dangerously with the slightest provocation. Fumes from fuel, especially gasoline or other fuels with a low vapor point are a real and present danger.

    Picture a fuel container in a warm or hot bow locker. Fumes will emanate from the tank vent. Push the button for the electric thruster or let a battery cable clamp be slightly loose and you will have instant and potentially deadly conflagration. One spark + fuel fumes = boooom! Conclusion: DO NOT put fuel containers anywhere near a spark source.

    Have you never read or heard of accidents caused by a careless boatman who failed to blow the bilge on that cute little inboard runabout? Those news items were not fairy tales.
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