Fuel consumption opinions

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by janesci, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member


    I was wondering about your thoughts or opinions of fuel fuel consumption for the below designs.

    LOA: 56ft/ B 25ft/ D 2.5ft
    Dsplcmnt: abt 90tons at light ship
    M/E 500HP @ 1,800 RPM with 66inch pitched prop.
    Gensets: 77kva
    Fuel tank abt 9,000ltrs.

    Hull type: round bilge with bulbous bow.

    I am planning to sail above boat for abt 6000nm at 11knot crusing speed.

    Can any one advise me for the approx fuel consumption to get fuel budgets?

    Thanks guys in advance.
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    "11knot crusing speed. "

    The problem is your speed demand is far higher than an efficient speed.

    With a 56 ft boat the water line is not long enough , bulb bow or not.

    The Square root of the LWL say 49 ft is 7.

    Some where near 7 K is your long range cruise speed.

    Actually .9 to 1.15 times the sq rt is the number.

    Roughly it takes 2HP per ton to 3 HP per ton to move at Long Range Cruise speed.

    IF your boat displaces 100 tons (2240lbs per ton) between 200HP and 300HP will be required.

    A very modern diesel can produce 20 HP from a single gallon of fuel.

    200HP could be 10GPH at SLOW CRUISE! 300, 15GPH.

    I doubt 500 hp at full throttle would give much over 9K .

    To cruise at 11K will require a thousand more HP.
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  3. janesci
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    janesci Junior Member

    Thank you very much for your comment and advise. Helped to sort out a lot.
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