From Rhino to Maxsurf or GHS

Discussion in 'Software' started by Igor Tchouiko, Jun 28, 2020.

  1. Igor Tchouiko
    Joined: Nov 2017
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    Igor Tchouiko Junior Member

    Hi everyone,

    I'm working on a school project where I need to do floodable length, tank arrangement, weight estimate/centers, and intact and damage stability.

    I designed a hull in Rhino but need to use either GHS or maxsurf to get all those things I mentioned.

    What I am trying to figure out is how do I know if my model is solid all the way through or will even work when I export it into either software. What is the criteria both pieces of software are looking for?

    Take for example my windfarm support vessel, I made the model in multiple parts and then joined them together as best as I could, it says it is "38 surfaces or polysurfaces joined into one open polysurface." I saw in a video that one guy wanted it to be one closed polysurface, but then I asked myself, does this really need to be closed or does it just need to be closed where it matters, near the water line and different loading conditions/damage stability cases?


    This is what I see. All those are naked edges and sadly are pretty close to the waterline. If anyone knows any tricks on how to made these no longer be naked edges that would be great. But what if I left them be, would water go inside the vessel in GHS or Maxsurf?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    In general Maxsurf fills in the small gaps that may remain between surfaces. To roughly check the shapes, you can ask Maxsurf to draw the curve of frame areas. In this graph you will be able to check if there is any gap, that is, some zone whose value of the area is null, or some discontinuity that is not logical.
    A tip, create only half a boat, for example half starboard, to export to Maxsurf. Another suggestion, eliminate the bulwark that, for the calculations you want to do, does not influence, which will simplify your model a bit.
  3. Igor Tchouiko
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    Igor Tchouiko Junior Member

    Thanks TANSL for the great response, that makes a lot of sense. How do I ask Maxsurf to "draw the curve of frame areas?" I checked the manual and none of those keywords pop up.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  5. Igor Tchouiko
    Joined: Nov 2017
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    Igor Tchouiko Junior Member

    Thanks!! Great tool to have.
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