freighter canoe/ panga hull mix

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by C-mack, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. C-mack
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    C-mack Boat Dreamer

    I want to build a narrow plywood hull for a maybe a once a year trip... Here is what is up. I have a dream to travel slowly (5 to 9 knots) down the east coast ICW or hudson river and erie canal, maybe the St John's river in florida. It would be just me during a week trip. 3days one way and the 3 days back to starting point.
    Hull style: It would be more or less a plywood boat, flat bottom or some rocker??; hard chine.... Thinking narrow beam...10hp more or less.... small cabin like the Bolger sailboat walk thru type (ie: birdwatcher type) about 20' to 24'
    Tiller or remote steering motor off stern on in a well. cabin to have camper stove. hand pump water to a plastic dishpan sink. small cassette toilet. cot or bunk for sleeping... maybe a hammock ( wow ) Ice chest.... very basic
    two trolling rod holders (trolling tins for supper catch) sun protection over
    captains chair...
    What are your ideas??? I'm a basic kind of guy who has run 20 hull types...anything from a 8' dingy to 72' shrimp trawler... been thru windless days to 35' high seas.... from the bay to 100 miles offshore...two plywood boats made.
  2. SaltOntheBrain
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    SaltOntheBrain Senior Member

    Check out the Bolger Sneakeasy for a hull. I have a dream very similar to yours, except I want to be able to plane. I want mine to look like more of a long, slender runabout with a custom tent to cover the cockpit to camp. Storage under the bow deck.
  3. C-mack
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    C-mack Boat Dreamer

  4. C-mack
    Joined: Jan 2010
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    C-mack Boat Dreamer

    I have another idea.... Has anyone ever used a colored canvas and resin to cover a hull instead of fiberglass?
  5. tom28571
    Joined: Dec 2001
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    tom28571 Senior Member

    Sneakeasy is not the hull I would want to be caught out in any of our eastern coastal waters when it is rough. A panga like those used in Latin America would be much better and better than a canoe shape.
  6. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    I dont like small craft that aren't self bailing . The Duckworks skiff isnt self bailing. Wet feet for the rest of your life.
    Youre going to need something more substantial. Perhaps bump up the power to 20hp and shoot for 1500 lbs ,with fuel and junk in the trunk, and self bailing.

  7. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    C-mack. Yes there have been builders who used canvas rather than glass for a hull skin. The question is why would you want to use an inferior fabric for such an application.

    The Wooboo boat from duckworks is cleverly done. The beveled bottom. call 'em the garboards if you like, reduce the wetted surface of the boat by a useful margin. That configuration will also produce less eddy making at the plank intersections. For slow going both features are certainly desirable. A little softer ride too no doubt.

    The general idea of the Wooboo has some merit. In the pictured form I'd be a bit tentative about tackling the ICW. Expand it to 23- 24 feet and it would be better suited for extended camp cruising and might fare better in a hard chance situation.
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