Freeship plus saving files

Discussion in 'Software' started by RandalSailor, Sep 10, 2024.

  1. RandalSailor
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    RandalSailor New Member

    I am using Freeship plus - latest version and can't save the files from boats created. Am using Windows 11.
    "Save as pressed" - goes to Freeship "Save file page", can enter file name but will not save - there doesn't appear to be a button to save with on the page.
    Same thing happens if I just use "Save" button from the Freeship home page.
    Uploaded one of the database models and tried saving it but same result.
    Assistance much appreciated.
  2. philSweet
    Joined: May 2008
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Try this - open a stock file, change something on the display - like right click and change to Gaussian curvature, then save. When you reopen the file, it should appear in the Gaussian mode and not in wireframe. You probably have an issue with the file path. You can also try creating a part and saving as a part and see if that works.
  3. RandalSailor
    Joined: Sep 2024
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    RandalSailor New Member

    Tried but same result - when I hit save, this is how the save page looks.
    Tried clicking on the file name and other various spots, but no save occurs.
    File path shown matches that in File explorer
    ?? Thanks


    Attached Files:

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