Freeship development problem/question

Discussion in 'Software' started by jprevj, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. jprevj
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    jprevj Junior Member

    I searched around. I wasn't able to find a answer elsewhere.

    I'm trying to get panels developed to build a small kayak I'm working on. I'm using Freeship version 2.6. When I develop the panels in Freeship I export them to a .dxf file and open in Autosketch (a AutoCad product). At that point everything was looking good but I wanted to check the mating joint between the bottom panel and the side panel so I did a fitted curve for both and found that the side panel info was as follows:

    Length 169.1057"

    where the bottom panel info was as follows:

    Length 171.7801"

    Two inches seems a little excessive to me. I also checked some joint lenghts for a flat bottom row boat that I had drawn and found only a .10" in difference in length between the bottom and side panels

    These differences are for the edge where the bottom panel meets the side panel. The fitted curves I did are very close to the edges that they were done from in the picture. I used snaps to insure that the fitted curve was correct and followed the edge of the panel.

    There is quite a bit of bend in the forward portion of the bottom panel and I wonder if it is effecting the measurements. I built a model and the balsa was stressed (but worked) so my next step was going to be to have the panels printed up and build a test model from some 4mm underlayment ply. I only built the forward section of the boat in the balsa model

    Does anyone have any ideas as to why the length of these two panels is so different? Or should I just build away in the underlayment ply. Any help would be appreciated.

    Attached is the lines plan, the Freeship file and the cad file of the panels and fitted cures.

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  2. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Umm, for a start Freeship current version is up to at least 3.3.

    Its a pig of a program to try and find a place to download reliably.

    I tried and paid for Delftship, but the support is spasmodic at best.

    PS, the overall length in version 3.3 FS is 174.012 inches,

    attached is the report and plate developments from the latest version for you to check

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    Last edited: Jul 8, 2013
  3. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    Make sure you are measuring the correct side of the side panel. FS will swap ends for different panels even within the same development. More than once I have been fooled for a few seconds on which way was which with a side panel. In your picture the correct orientation would be to take the bottom panel labeled as such and rotate it 180 degrees, then move it up against the bottom edge of the side panel as shown... after moving the extra bottom panel from between the two. Those are the edges that would mate together. Also... with that much forefoot in the bow, you are going to lose a significant amount of bottom length as the forefoot area both spreads outwards and the middle comes up and in. I wouldn't be trying that with anything thicker than 4 mm and you would have to sew the edges together with the panels flat on each other and open it up like a butterfly's wings. Keep the stitches loose so the edges can rotate together then tighten them up after the panels are splayed... like this:


  4. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

  5. jprevj
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    jprevj Junior Member

    Thanks. A few things to try. Is 2.6 compatible with 3.3? I thought it wasn't.
  6. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    Are you sure you have 2.6? I could not open your file except in Delftship.
  7. jprevj
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    jprevj Junior Member

    Yes, pretty sure. I'll verify tonight.
  8. jprevj
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    jprevj Junior Member

    Yeah, it's 2.6. Dated April 6, 2006.

    I was pulling measurements from the wrong edge. When I got on the right one there was about a tenth of a inch difference. Thanks for the help.
  9. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    I just posted results using 3.3 from your files, if you remember

  10. jprevj
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    jprevj Junior Member

    Yes. And you saved it to? 3.3. I tried it. Not a lot of difference that I could make use of so I'll stay with 2.6 and I won't have to bounce around between the two. Thanks for all the info though.
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