Free!ship trimaran design problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by ozflyer, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. ozflyer
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    ozflyer Junior Member

    has anybody any experience with designing of a trimaran with Free!Ship? When I add a float to the main hull, I only get a half float/shell and not a small hull with volume.
    Project: 14m Power Trimaran in Duflex, Aim: 10+ kn @ 2 l diesel/hour
  2. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    You need to design your float separately, mirror it and then export it as a .part. Then go and create your main hull, import the .part and then offset it and create your support arms. I recommend you don't top your hulls until you can extrude the support arms from the edges.
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  3. yipster
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  4. ozflyer
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    ozflyer Junior Member

    Hi Lewisboats,
    thanks it worked, my head is now clear again...
  5. ozflyer
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    ozflyer Junior Member

    Hi Yipster,
    have you got a link to your try? The window does not open.
  6. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    The link is in the your cursor over the words and it will change when it hits the link

  7. yipster
    Joined: Oct 2002
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