Free!Ship Error

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by SailingMatt, Nov 18, 2023.

  1. SailingMatt
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    SailingMatt New Member

    ***Edit*** I’m not sure the difference, but I redownloaded from sourceforge instead of GitHub and the program seems to be working fine now.
    ***Edit part 2**** The version from sourcefordge will produce an obj file that cura can use.

    I'm still very new to Free!Ship but this error started showing up. Anyone else had this issue? It's been working fine with no errors then one day this. Also my panels all got rearranged and the icon menu bar now doesn't show all the buttons. I uninstalled, redownloaded, and installed with no change. I can click close on the Exception and still use the program. A couple screenshots for referance. Screenshot (66).png Screenshot (67).png
    Unrelated, is there a good way to go from Freeship to 3d printing? I've been RC sailing and now want to print my own hulls. The stl or obj fills don't open properly in Cura. I've tried going through FreeCad and gCAD3D but still can't make it work. FreeCad and gCAD are definitely user incompetence! Any help there would also be appreciated.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
  2. SailingMatt
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    SailingMatt New Member

    Now it is also crashing when I try to develop so I can print out on paper to make mockups.
  3. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member


    I was able to get one of the stock hulls from Defltship Free to go to Cura via STL by repairing the STL (closing the deck) in Fusion360. It also worked for something else I did before too.

  4. SailingMatt
    Joined: Nov 2023
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    SailingMatt New Member

    Thanks. I’ll give Defltship a try.
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