Free!Ship 2.6+ vs Prediction resistance by Holtrop-Mennen started method

Discussion in 'Software' started by Victor T, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. Leo Lazauskas
    Joined: Jan 2002
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Thanks, Victor, you are doing a splendid job on your own.

    Are you thinking of putting in ship motions?

    I have written a program that is a combination of SMP (the US Navy's ship motion program), some elements of Michlet, and another code that can calculate the dynamic sinkage and trim of monohulls. It might be possible to eventually connect this code to Freeship.

    Have you made any changes to the way Freeship produces Michlet input files?

    Would it help if I made a version of Michlet that did not use graphics or other user input except for the file produced by Freeship? That way Michlet could be called directly from inside Freeship and Freeship could then read the output from Michlet and plot results of, say skin-friction, wave resistance and total (calm-water) resistance.

    All the best,
  2. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member

    Hi Leo!
    There are some ways for integration your programs into Freeship. I am tryed tree methods and solved that the better method to write your external program (on any language C/C++, Fortran,Pascal) and Freeship used only for prepared input data and for output results your program. All data write and read from tmp files, which after used can be automatic deleted if not need for other calcs.

  3. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

    Hi !

    Test only Version 2.75+b2
    Released June 27, 2007
    New features:
    * Changed approximation accuracy of B series propellers' diagrams
    * Maked more better diagnostics of input parameters for propeller tasks
    * Added 6 propeller's diagrams (from 5 to 10)
    * Added resistance and power prediction by method ОСТ 5.0181-75 (1-4 series)
    * Added translation on English in Help for propeller calcs
    * Maked many the little changings

    Download link 2.75+b2 (5Mb):

    Unpack and copy all with changing old files in Freeship or Delftship directory

  4. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Test only Version 2.76+
    Released July 10, 2007
    New features:
    * Increased number of speed on graphics by OCT calculation (to 10)
    * Changed output of Tb
    * Added 50 ship's dizels in to BD (xUSSR, Shkoda, Braun-Volf)
    * Changed data input form by OCT and added input fields for experimental data Cr=f(Fr)
    * Added calculation of wetted area without linesplane by 8 formulas for different ships and type of hulls
    * Added resistance and power prediction by experimental data of model ships
    * Added resistance and power prediction by diagrams of Braun (for highspeed vessels)
    * Added resistance and power prediction by diagram of Neyman (for tags and trawlers)
    * Added resistance and power prediction by method NIEWT(=LLTT)for river cargo ships and river-sea cargo vessels
    * Maked many the little changings

    Download link 2.76+ (5Mb):

  5. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Test only Version 2.77+ beta1
    Released July 16, 2007
    New features:
    * Added the resistance and power calcs for highspeed boats
    by diagrams Volodin, Nordstrem, Groot, SSPA, NPL
    * Added the resistance and power calcs for highspeed boats for
    big L/V**0.333 by diagrams of 64 series Teylor's basine
    * Released calc of coefficient of exploitation condition Ke for OCT and for other methods
    * Added more better diagnostics of input parameters for calculation resistance
    by data of model's experiment
    * Added diagnostics of input data for 7 methods (Nser=5,8,9,10,11,12,13)
    * Added Help for 14 methods of resistance and power calcs
    * Made more 20 little changings

    Download link 2.77+b1 (5Mb):

  6. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Test only Version 2.77+
    Released July 30, 2007
    New features:
    * Fixed bug in export data for program Michlet (write Lwl into .mlt file)
    * Translated and added manual of FREE!ship v2.6 on RUSSIAN
    * Added the resistance and power calcs for highspeed round-bilge boats
    by diagrams Volodin, Nordstrem, Groot, SSPA, NPL
    * Added the resistance and power calcs for highspeed round-bilge boats for big L/V**0.333 by diagrams of 64 series Teylor's basine
    * Released calc of coefficient of exploitation condition Ke for OCT and for other methods
    * Added more better diagnostics of input parameters for calculation resistance by data of model's experiment
    * Added diagnostics of input data for 7 methods (Nser=5,8,9,10,11,12,13)
    * Added Help for 14 methods of resistance and power calcs
    * Made more 20 little changings

    Links on new site (testing regime): (RU)

    Note: Now manuals you must write in subdirectory \Manuals and uses button Help in main menu. Language of manual autorecognize.

  7. Ahmed Wahab
    Joined: May 2007
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    Ahmed Wahab Junior Member

    It's not possible to download the new version(2.77) from the new links
  8. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member

    Link on Free!ship2.77+max would be available later.
    Downloads partially (exe and needed manual)
  9. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member

    If all links not works - download files through russian proxy.
    Who has analogical problems mail me...
  10. pavel915
    Joined: Nov 2006
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    pavel915 Senior Member

    Victor! you deserve a lot of thanx for you dedicated works.
    hope you will keep serving us!
  11. pavel915
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    pavel915 Senior Member

    Victor. Do you have any plan to include loading condition and GZ curve in freeship?it will be very nice if you do so!
    wish you all the best!
  12. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

  13. Ahmed Wahab
    Joined: May 2007
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    Ahmed Wahab Junior Member

    I'm not sure but the links are not working with me till now !!!
  14. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member


    What are links not worked?
    I am testing just only - all links OK.

    Problem is in adjustment you browser or downloader. Try to download files through russian proxy...


  15. Ahmed Wahab
    Joined: May 2007
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    Ahmed Wahab Junior Member

    Thank you victor for the work you are doing,But Realy I cannot download the new version !!!!! I followed and could download all of the older versions.
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