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Comparative experience with gelcoat applicators

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by hovernaut, Sep 24, 2006.

  1. hovernaut
    Joined: Aug 2005
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    hovernaut New Member

    Does anyone have experience using the Binks Poly-Craft "Unison Non-Atomized LEL Gelcoat System (p/n205-950UB cart mount) coupled with a Binks LEL external gelcoat Gun (p/n: 102-3610)? I use a Magnum Venus Pro Gelcoater coupled to an external 3500 Air Assist Airless gun on a semi-daily basis. I have also used (on a demo basis) a Glascraft Internal Mix gelcoat gun.

    My company went with Magnum because they were the only one to take a real interest in our small operation. They brought a demo system in along with a rep. to train us on the equipment and let us use it on a trial basis. They also worked with us on price. After the initial visit the Binks sales rep never got back in touch with us and would not return our repeated attempts to reach him by phone or email. The Glascraft company rep. brought a half working system for us to use and little to no training on the system. Also, he would not work with us on price. Soo... that is why we purchased MVP system.

    My biggest complaint with the Magnum system is the frequency in which the gun and the catalyst pump have to be rebuilt. About every two months they need to be rebuilt and the rebuild kits cost about $45.00 each, not to mention the time it takes to rebuild the gun. I have never had a catalization problem with this system.

    For some strange and odd reason, I am still interested in the diaphragm pump designed Binks Poly-Craft equipment. I am interested in: spray/fan quality; reliability with regard to proper catalization; service intervals of resin pump, cat. pump and gun rebuild; cost of rebuilds.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

  2. tja
    Joined: Sep 2004
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    tja Senior Member


    What magnum system do you have and how much gelcoat are you using per month? Sounds as though your system is too small for the application. I'm going to guess that Graves spray suply was probably the Magnum dealer that sold you the unit. If so they are who I deal with. I've had a mini gel pro for about a year and a half without any problems though I'm not a high volume shop. Sincerely, Tom.
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