free ISO 12215-5 scantling software

Discussion in 'Software' started by taniwha, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. taniwha
    Joined: Sep 2003
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    taniwha Senior Member

    here free ISO 12215-5 scantling software.
    In conjunction with the standard, this application tool assists scantlings calculation for boats in design categories A – C up to 12 m and category D boats up to 24 m and for materials GRP, steel and aluminium. Compared with commercial software the application has to be understood as a basic boatbuilding calculator.
    An initial study of the scope of application of the software (see tutorials) and the system requirements is recommended prior to working with the spreadsheet.
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  2. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

    Got some problem with.

    The software does not handle infusion or vacuum bagging.
    Cored bottom page has display bugs.

    More importanly : where does ultimate flexural strengh for bx(-+45) come from ? This is not in ISO12215-5:2008 text version table C4 and C7.

  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    fcfc, I would, abusing your kindness, you can probe my application. It is also distributed free of charge and you can download it with this link:
    You may already know it. In any case, I would appreciate your feedback.
    Thanks in advance
  4. Josep
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    Josep Junior Member

    Iso 12215


    If you are interested in finding useful information about scantling yachts and boats, you can find free of cost documents at In addition, here´s the link you can download complete software to scantiling with the same standard ISO 12215.

    This software also can calculate the behaviour of bean ship, rudder blade, complicated structures, etc.
    I think that is the most complete software that exist and is for free.

  5. Mike Chionatos
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    Mike Chionatos New Member

    Hello all... (Sorry but 1st time in this forum....)

    I saw the software above and i downloaded from one of the above links on this forum... I am a student at Naval Architecture and Ship engineering school, and this time i am preparing my graduation Survey. So I needed to do a little research about ISO 12215 about a small sail boat, and i was directed here. Thats how i decided to download this software, that i must tell i find very usefull...

    My problem is that i would like some kind of manual to use it correctly.. Can someone give me a piece of advice for this software? A manual would be a great idea and it will be very helpfull!!!

    In any case thanks a lot, all of you, for your time reading this!!!!
  6. J Feenstra
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    J Feenstra Junior Member

    Hi Mike,

    Welcome to the forum, Perhaps you can ask a more detailed question?
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Hello Mike, I'm the creator of this software. I'll help you gladly.
    There is a User Manual that is installed with the software which can help you in the early stages. You can also try to use the support system of the application. In any case, if you make me a specific question, I will answer you personally. In the User Manual are my data and my e.mail. Should not you find it for, you can send me a message here:
    Ignacio López
  8. Josep
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    Josep Junior Member

  9. mizkuzi
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    mizkuzi Junior Member

  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The Excel Spreadsheet for ISO 12217-1 is in English.
    Here's the SCT Users Guide.

    Attached Files:

  11. mizkuzi
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    mizkuzi Junior Member

    thanks a lot
  12. Josep
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    Josep Junior Member

    Hi Mizkuzi!
    Mizkuzi, sorry for delay. TANSL answer you, but in there are a forum where you can also ask your questions. Don't worry if you write in English because the users will understand you. Normally I use it. Exist a lot of people who use the software SCT.
  13. Josep
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    Josep Junior Member

  14. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    Taniwha- Everytime I try to download your software, I get blockedby my antivirus sofware. Evo virus detected.

    TANSL- I tried to download your software but after follwing instructions from site and registering, I received a notice I have to verify my registration again and goes back again full circle. From the site, I was allowed to download but all I got was a blank copy. Is there an easier way or I am doing something wrong?

  15. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    rxcomposite, thanks for your interest in my software.
    Try this linhk to donwload SCT application : (no longer active)
    Please, read attached file before doing anything else.
    In the installation directory you can find Users Guide.pdf file that can also help.
    If you continue to have problems go to my e.mail: with the details of what happens to you (If possible, attach a screenshot with the message showed by the application).

    You can also proceed to download from the following website: (no longer active)

    Attached Files:

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