Francis Joyon prepares to establish a new record route Bordeaux to Rio

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  2. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  3. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  4. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  5. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  6. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    I guess thats one way to get in the record books, sail a new route !
    ;) I know, cynical *******.
  7. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Given that FJ still holds the big cheese, the Round the World solo record I don't think he is too worried :). What an epic run that was and so lucky with the weather the St Helena high opened up and he sailed right through the middle.
  8. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member


    We are on the verge of having a disproportionate number of MultiFrancophile threads? And the season hasn't even started yet!


    Joyon is supposed to depart between 1700 and 1800 hrs, and there's a genuine live webcam showing the bay of Royan at the link below, scroll down the second webcam on that page.

    This Royan harbor/bay webcam pans from left to right intermittently. There is another trimaran (not Idec) to the furthest left for the webcam.

    Idec is moored just to the left outside the webcam's frame, but when Joyon leaves the harbor, in an hour or so, he'll be in the frame.

    Royan Harbor Panorama webcam.

    There's a photo of the lurking IDEC on this page.
  9. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member

    Idec left the harbor just now.

  10. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member

    Twenty minutes later, Idec has her main up, waiting.

  11. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member


    Apart from us, on the cam it looks like there are one or two other people actually watching this!


    I didn't see Idec now during the webcams latest traverse, but Joyon has to come back to the harbor because that's where his starting line is, and the tracker's clock has not yet been started. Moreover it's only 4:59 and he has to in all decency wait for the helicopter with the photographers.

    How much do you want to bet, Joyon will pick the end of the starting line furthest from the webcam.
  12. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member


    And where's Corley?

    This is his thread!

    I didn't start this, I thought we had too many of these threads.

    Now this Route d'Amitié is about to start, but Corley, no doubt scribbling about something else, is going to miss it!

  13. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member


    And how much more do you want to bet,
    that when Joyon does cross the start line
    the webcam is showing us the municipal swimming pool, instead?

    And now I just noticed this, on the Idec website

    "mardi 08 avril 2014

    Mardi is French for Tuesday, by the way
    (to spare Corley looking it up with Bing translate).

    What?! Without starting the tracker?
    What kind of half-assed record attempt are they running here?

    Now, now they started the tracker, and it says he's been sailing for 1hr 14 m and 45 s.

    The science of reporting via webcam is fraught with peril.

  14. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member


    Well despite all this palaver about Amitié, I am
    more than a little pissed off, actually.

    From my posts #9 and #10 above, one sees Idec has just crossed the start line at 4:06pm Paris time. And that at 428pm he was out in the bay nowhere close to the start line. And they want us to believe that he started at 4:33pm.

    This is looking very French, I must say.

    Francis Joyon is cheating. And we have the proof!


  15. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member

    Should anyone wonder about the clocks operating here...
    and it's a legitimate question since we have several clocks,
    my computer's clock, the webcam clock, the Boatdesign forum clock,
    and last but not least the Route de l'Amitié tracker clock:

    My computer clock is accurate to the second. I found the webcam clock is 11 seconds slow, the Forum clock is within 3 seconds, and the IDEC tracker 'stopwatch' is plodding along faithfully from the alleged starting time.

    I checked the time of the screenshots used in posts #9 and #10. I posted them quickly but there was a small lag there, they were actually made at 4:05pm and 4:25pm. Paris time of course.

    That doesn't make things any better in regard to Joyon's blatant cheating, however.

    Look at this: Two and three quarter hours after the purported start, the tracker now shows IDEC behind the starting line, course and speed at 0. Someone (who evidently thinks they will be undetected) is screwing royally around with the documentation here.

    tracker gibberish.jpg

    Tut, tut.

    Francis Joyon is cheating. And we have the proof!

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