Formula 233 owners

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by goin70, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. goin70
    Joined: Oct 2005
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    goin70 Junior Member

    The Formula 233 is an awesome boat that was the beginning of a new direction of offshore power boats. I am looking to get a transom measurement off of a Formula 233 and could use someones help.

    Please let me know? Thanks
  2. messabout
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    messabout Senior Member

    What kind of help do you need. Are you referring to the section view of the transom, the thickness, the dead rise angle, or some other dimension?
  3. goin70
    Joined: Oct 2005
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    goin70 Junior Member

    Thanks! What I am looking for are the measurement of:
    1 Width of the transom at the top of the bump out
    2 The height of the bump out from the bottom to the top of the bump out
    I appreciate your help.
  4. messabout
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    messabout Senior Member

    Please tell us what you are after. Are you presuming to copy the dimensions of the 233 or something like that. I can tell you with confidence that any such presumption of ideal dimensions are waaaay out in left field. There are so many variables in boat design and application that there are absolutely no magic formulae. What works well for one boat type can be poison for another.

    Tell us more about what your aims are.

  5. goin70
    Joined: Oct 2005
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    goin70 Junior Member

    My plan is not nearly that adventuresome. What I am trying to do is compare the measurements of a Formula 233 to a 1972 Formula 190. The 190 was only built in 1972 and it has an interesting hull. I am speculating that a 190 was a scaled down 233 and the deminsions that I needed would allow me to confirm or exclude my belief. The Formula 190 is a big 19 ft boat and has all the elements of a 233. I have found little to no information on the 190 and it was a 1 year production run. The 190 is so scare I have never found another boat anywhere online. I even contacted Formula and they tried to convince me the boat was not a Formula. I was lucky enough to purchase a 1972 Formula Sales Brochure and the boat was in the 1972 lineup of models. In 1972 Formula only had 3 boat sizes. The had a 233, 190 and 170. In 1973 the Formula boat lineup changed drastically and the 190 & 170 from 1972 were dropped and different models were offered. If you can help, I will keep you informed when I have more details, if you are interested. Thanks
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