Foiling modification to a Corsair F28 - anyone tried it ?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Andrewb1973, Aug 16, 2019.

  1. Andrewb1973
    Joined: Aug 2019
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    Andrewb1973 Junior Member

    I have just bought a Corsair F28, has anyone tried to make one foil/ semi foil ????
  2. Manfred.pech
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    Manfred.pech Senior Member


    This is the result.
  3. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Contact Kim Alfreds in BC Canada. Cheekee Monkee

    But otherwise, yes photo shows what happens

    Richard Woods
    Manfred.pech likes this.
  4. Manfred.pech
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    Manfred.pech Senior Member

    Thank you Richard for your statement. Ian Farrier was afraid of breaking the foil and the foreward crossbeam.
    Farrier Marine :: F-32SR Float Curved Lifting Foil (One only)

    "Foils are extra long so that there are also benefits in light winds in addition to high winds. However, it should be noted that using such long foils fully down in high winds and rough conditions can result in breakage, as it is very hard to make such slender foils strong enough to fully support the boat's full weight. Thus the foils should be retracted slightly, as specified, in winds over 15 knots to minimize the risk of breakage.

    Note also, that outer ends of existing forward beams will need to be strengthened for the extra loads generated by the foils, and a detail sheet will be supplied for this."
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2019

  5. Andrewb1973
    Joined: Aug 2019
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    Andrewb1973 Junior Member

    Ok see the issues, wouldn’t have wanted to be far out to sea and see a float break off !
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