Foiling Ballasted Self-Righting Trimaran

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Foiling Ballasted Self-Righting Trimaran?

    I've talked about this design area before but the situation has changed fairly dramatically.
    There are now foiling trimarans-not just foil assist but full flying. And wonder of wonders there is now a foiling keelboat that is self righting*.
    So , in the past this was hard for some to take because I was talking about a trimaran foiling(hadn't happened) and self-righting using ballast(heresy) but now that a high performance foiler keelboat has been designed and proven(Quant 23) and the 60' Gitana has flown-what possible reason could there be for not doing a self-righting foiling trimaran?

    * That was a mistake on my part-the Q23 is not self-righting and requires effort from the crew:

    From Quant Boats:

    In the interests of safety and recovering from the odd
    capsize, then 60 kgs of lead on the end of the fin
    allows for easy righting with only one crew required
    and also gives that little bit of reassuring stability to
    the boat when sailing hard in difficult conditions.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
  2. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Yes, especially if the crew helps. They're going to be there so I imagine they'll lend a hand.
  4. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    What do you mean by "if the crew helps"?
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Just heard from Michi who commissioned and is building the Q23: he said that in a knockdown the keel prevents the boat from turtling and to right it one of the two or three crew needs to get on the keel near the hull to help right the boat. Hasn't happened yet -they have had one near capsize/wipeout in about 5 months of sailing a lot. He says the keel is essential to prevent turtling and will make it much easier to right the boat.
    I don't think, based on what Michi said today, that I was accurate in saying the boat was "self-righting"-it does require some effort by the crew. However, even IMOCA 60's require effort by the crew to right the boat-they may have to move the keel.
  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From the pictures I just saw the production version of the boat does have air tanks on the side of the cockpit.
  7. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    No airtanks :

    VB- a dinghy without airtanks , Air under cockpit floor only ( entire boatlenght)

    Dinghies with too small airtanks:

    Fighter; keelboat with big airtanks and 240kg ballast gekentert2.JPG

    Will a capsized Quant 23 swim like a Dinghy with really fullsize airtanks ?

    C'mon Doug , having no airtanks, 60kg ballastbulb only and claiming the boat is a self-righting keelboat ?
    It' s a PR- gag people wanna believe, a claim some people really believe.

    It's an open foiling-scow with an alibi-bulb. One must keep a sense of proportion.

  8. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    That's the proto-in production boat there appear to be airtanks under the side decks and front deck.
    The proto has very large air tanks on both sides under the front deck and the area under the cockpit sole is sealed.

  9. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    Give a pic, i guess these airtanks a far too small as the 60kg are far to less.

    Self-righting ?
    There was a song from the monkees, " .....then i saw her bulb; now i' m a believer..."

  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Post #5-this thread:

    You should read this--post #5 this thread. Nobody from the company or Hugh Welbourn said the boat was self-righting as far as I know.
    I also corrected post #1:

    From the Company--

    In the interests of safety and recovering from the odd
    capsize, then 60 kgs of lead on the end of the fin
    allows for easy righting with only one crew required
    and also gives that little bit of reassuring stability to
    the boat when sailing hard in difficult conditions.
  11. pogo
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    That ain't no pic, that's a rendering.

    "A rendering of a prototype in production" :p

    There's another song, written and performed by The Ramones;
    " I meet her in the internet, fell in love on her virtual scheme. Yeah , yeah she's the one."

    Geht mir eigentlich auch am Heck vorbei, is' ein teures Gimmick dass keiner kauft, weil es keiner braucht.

    Neil Armstrong would say:

    "That's one small step for foiling , but one giant leap for Doug"

  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    It doesn't matter-the boat is designed by Hugh Welbourn and that guarantees it will be 100% right.
    The Q23 is the FIRST foiling keelboat in history and is making history as it goes into production.
  13. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    Thank you for clearing that up.
  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  15. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    You're welcome.....
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