Foil control for an SL33 cat

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by ursus, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. ursus
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    ursus Junior Member

    Anyone interested in helping to add foil control to the SL33?
    The ETNZ way is not really convenient (well, that wasn't its purpose...)
    My rudders have T-foils already (symmetrical profile, set to 0 degrees, bottom of long boards)
    Daggerboards will get ETNZ style tips soon.
    All that's missing is control...
    PM me if you would like to help. Mechanical Engineering and 3D CAD drawing experience required (duhhhhhh).
  2. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Are your daggerboards straight or curved?
  3. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member


    I think the engineer, not really sure why you ask for a MechE, but the engineer should be the same engineer who put the foils on the end of your rudders ....

    Why switch to a new engineer?
  4. ursus
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    ursus Junior Member

    Because he is busy winning the America's Cup....

    Lord: C with (later added) ETNZ style tips

  5. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Use a wand to control a flap similar to this rough sketch by Magnus Clarke--in a month or so he might even help you.
    Can't get better than wand altitude control outside of sophisticated electro-hydraulic systems.

    Attached Files:

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