foil assisted tour e-catamaran design

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by seapassionate, May 22, 2024.

  1. seapassionate
    Joined: May 2024
    Posts: 4
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    Location: Italy

    seapassionate New Member

    Hi there,
    I look for help to design foil assisted approx 12 m. x approx 5 m. beam tour e-catamaran for approx 15 pax.
    2 x 20 Kw e-motors with 2 battery banks charged by land grid and (40-50 sqm) pv panels to feed hotel battery bank. Total weigh approx. 2 tons. + 5KW board genset.
    Construction composite vacuum infusion, displacement close to 12 tons?
    Central foil between the hulls to considerably improve hull performance .
    Is there anybody with experience to provide such design to Int'l classification society?
    In case of positive answer kindly let me have your private e-mail ID to discuss further on this project.
    Appreciate your kind attention
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