Fly Away Jib Poles

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Jamie Kennedy, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. Jamie Kennedy
    Joined: Jun 2015
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    Jamie Kennedy Senior Member

    What are people's thoughts on 'Fly Away Jib Poles' as developed in the Enterprise Dinghy class in the UK, since spread to other boats.

    Interesting alternative to a spinnaker when tight reaching. It allows you to maintain reasonably flat jib, such that the jib can remain the powerful leading edge in an ideal main - jib setup.



    Applications for small DIY pocket cruisers?
  2. gggGuest
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    gggGuest ...

    Developed in the Enterprise? I think not!

    I *think* they started out in the National 12s.

    Very effective bits of kit for a spinnaker free boat.
  3. Jamie Kennedy
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    Jamie Kennedy Senior Member

    I think you are right now that I think about it. Spread to Enterprise, and then from there. I heard about them from a Guy Tipton friend in Shelburne Nova Scotia. He is using them in Albacores. He is from the UK where he sailed Fireballs and Laser, and other stuff no doubt. He is doing wonderful things for sailing in Shelburne, getting adults and kids all sailing together. He makes beer too. You ought to stop worrying so much about who you let in, and be more careful who you let out. ;-)
  4. Jamie Kennedy
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    Jamie Kennedy Senior Member

    I bumped into some National 12 sailors when I sailed a regatta in Norfolk in 1988. Neat boat and nice folks. I was up there sailing laser having some fun before the Nationals and Worlds in Cornwall. Good times.

  5. Steve Clark
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    Steve Clark Charged Particle

    We call them Dangle Poles for whatever reason.
    I use them on International Canoes and included them ion the Zim 15 design as well.
    They solve the problem that all low clew suffer from, which is excessive twist and the sheet is eased. Essentially they vang the jib as well as working as a whisker pole.
    There are a variety of jib club arrangements that do more or less the same thing on non overlapping jibs, but they tend to restrict the camber of the jib as it is eased. I find I have to adjust the jib leads ( move them aft) when I pull on the dangle pole to get the correct trim.
    They are simple, cheap and not hard to manage. They certainly make it possible to more effectively trim the jib on a reach and sail wing and wing on a run. Like a boom vang, I would regard them as the minimum upgrade to any small boat.
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