Floating Cities

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Joris ypd, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Joris ypd
    Joined: Jun 2012
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    Joris ypd Junior Member

    Hi everyone

    My name is Joris Van Aelst. I'm a naval architect graduate who is currently doing a master in Transport Design. My thesis is about future floating cities and its transport. I'm also investigating links with these floating communities and flooded slums to see if similar problems would occur and one could inspire the other.

    For this project, I need to do a lot of research. Here's where you can help me. Please would you find 5 mins time to take the survey on the link below? The survey closes the 1st of July.

    Thank you very much!

  2. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    How many questions are there? What are the questions? Why not post the survey here?


    How have you configured your survey? Can you show us?

  3. Joris ypd
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    Joris ypd Junior Member

    It's an anonymous survey, 4 pages long, 23 questions in total. I've created the survey a week ago, and I'm looking for as many people as possible, since I just need the public opinion.
  4. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    Why are Canada and US not included in the list of countries while Australia and New Zealand are? Is that based on a preconception of the how people from different countries would reply?

    Questions should have a "no opinion" / "none of the above" / "not applicable" type of choices.

    Explanation of connection with personal submarines needed.

  5. Joris ypd
    Joined: Jun 2012
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    Joris ypd Junior Member

    I simply didn't have a lot of contacts in the US, and didn't expect the huge success it has had so far. Of course I realise now I should've listed the states and I apologise for that.

    I deliberately gave people no option of avoiding giving a listed answer with some of the questions.

    To enhance the genuity of the answers, I tried to give as little information as possible. That way the surveyees' imagination would be limited and thus more interesting answers would spring from that approach.

    Thank you for taking the survey and your constructive critisism, I'll take it with me for future surveys

    Regards, Joris
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