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FlexiSander tools for sale used (sold)

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by IdeaFoundryMatt, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. IdeaFoundryMatt
    Joined: Dec 2018
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    IdeaFoundryMatt New Member

    Hello everyone.
    I just finished up a large fiberglass furniture project and have some specialty sanding tools for sale if anyone is interested.

    They all were purchased new back in August of this year and were only used for this project.
    They are used, but in perfect working condition. Some paint and dirt are present but don't interfere with the function in any way.
    They all came in VERY handy for this project. I don't foresee myself ever doing another project so big so I don't need them any longer.

    Pneumatic Sander for curved surfaces.jpg
    16.5" Pneumatic Sander for curved surfaces- (Mint condition)
    I paid $799.
    Selling for $500.
    I bought this before I actually started the project, but it turned out I didn't need it as much as I expected so it's in mint condition.
    Here's a link to the exact model,
    FlexiSander Pneumatic Sanding Board http://www.flexisanderusa.com/pneumaticsandingboard-2.aspx

    Sandpaper for FlexiSander Sanders.jpg
    Hook and Loop Sandpaper- 4.5" x 10YDS- Full Rolls.
    I paid $21 for each roll.
    I'm selling them for $10 each. They're still in plastic.
    These fit the Flexible Sanding Boards below.
    1 x 60 grit
    1 x 100 grit
    1 x 150 grit
    1 x 220 grit

    FlexiSander Sanders.jpg
    22" Flexible Sanding Board
    I paid $125, I'll take $60.

    33" Flexible Sanding Board
    I paid $182, I'll take $90.

    Front Desk For Nation Veterans Memorial Museum.jpg
    Here's the project I used these tools for. It's the front desk for the new National Veterans Memorial Museum in Columbus Ohio. It was my first project that incorporated fiberglass. I have much respect of all of you boat guys now :)

    Please email me at matt@ideafoundry.com if you're interested.
    15% discount if you take everything.

    Thank you!

  2. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    tools https://www.boatdesign.net/threads/tools.61488/#post-844184

    I want the tools but alas and alack, I don't need them.

    The desk is very nice, very impressive! As is that whole building. It would be interesting to hear some details on how you made it.

    If you have no luck here, you might also try some kind of auto bodywork forum for the tools.
  3. IdeaFoundryMatt
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    IdeaFoundryMatt New Member

    Thanks SamSam.
    The building is insane....
    The general contractor gave me a tour and told me about many of the crazy construction problems they had. They had to partner with a national concrete construction company to build the main, curved concrete building. No one was even willing to bid on it because it was so complex.

    Each section of curved concrete required a custom mold that couldn't be re-used because no single section was the same. It's mind boggling when you look at the building and start to see what they had to go through. Very impressive indeed!

    They approached us about the desk 3 months before their grand opening, which was at the end of October.
    I worked 80 hours a week for two months to finish it on time. Two days before they opened :D
    I had a few good folks helping out as well or it would of been impossible.

    Feel free to check out my Facebook page where I posted a bunch of pics about the process. It was a waking nightmare for 2 months but I'm so happy I was able to get it done on time, and it didn't look half bad :p

    Matt Hatcher https://www.facebook.com/matt.hatcher.79/media_set?set=a.10217268357211793&type=3&jazoest=2651001217586497645497557105757511553897474119114551004811510157976810866687577775595107666950548411510310358651001208267841061017345119122100100739572995510375100971114811590907587114708890868845856572729073668965
  4. 68Scout
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    68Scout New Member

    Hi Matt,

    We are interested in the sanding tools. I sent you an email.


  5. IdeaFoundryMatt
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    IdeaFoundryMatt New Member

    Thanks everyone.
    The pneumatic sander has been sold.

    Everything else is still available though.
  6. mike mulrooney
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    mike mulrooney New Member

  7. IdeaFoundryMatt
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    IdeaFoundryMatt New Member

    Everything is sold.

    Thanks everyone!

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