Flat-bottom skiff keel & runners

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by CaptChap, Sep 4, 2022.

  1. CaptChap
    Joined: Aug 2022
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    CaptChap Junior Member

    I finally attached the skid-plates "keel" & runners/rails to the bottom. I'm glad that I finished all the xynole/epoxy, fairing & epoxy/graphite coating on them OFF the boat and outside the shop, thus avoiding all the mess & clean-up on my sanded & prepped hull surface. It was easy to simply glue & screw them in place without a lot of hassel. Today I'll start coating the bottom with the epoxy/graphite down to the waterline (blue tape on transom). I intentionally extended this WL about an inch or more above the design loaded WL, so I won't get any slime/ stains on the topside boot-top.
    I calculated the the loaded immersion WL to be about 6" at 2,200 lbs disp, , so this line will be 7" above the chine bottom.
    These bottom "appendages" will not only add great longitudinal rigidity, but should also add some directional stability (slide-slip on turns) as well as most importantly protect the bottom on my local rocky gravel beaches. Comments/thought? 20220903_184817.jpg
  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

  3. CaptChap
    Joined: Aug 2022
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    CaptChap Junior Member

    Bajansailor -
    Thanks for your comments. I plan on keeping it on a trailer and launching at a nearby ramp, but may occasionally drag it up on my neighbor's gravel beach, where he has a nice wooden stairway up to his cottage. I also wanted the option to occasionally beach it to overnight "camp-out" on it, solo (my wife's no longer into that level of roughing it).
    Thanks for advising me to continue with the old thread...I'm new at this forum biz., but learning!
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