Flat bottom plywood skiff build question.

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by Brian Fredrik, Jul 31, 2023.

  1. Brian Fredrik
    Joined: Oct 2005
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    Brian Fredrik Junior Member

    Quick question. Is there a good reason why I cannot begin constructing my 15.5 foot, (4 inch of rocker) plywood skiff with the bottom first. Then install chine logs, frames (3), transom. Then scribe the plywood topsides and cut. My reasoning is that the curve for the topsides is easy to determine. I used this method with a flat bottom kayak I designed and built years ago and it worked great. My worry is that all skiffs I find seem to be built with the topsides first...(no way I'm the smartest in this room). Thank you.
  2. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    You can so it either way. If the sides of the boat are angled (flared) the chine logs will need some beveling. It is easier to plane the bevels accurately when the chine logs are first attached to the sides.

    If the sides are plumb then the bevel problem does not exist. In fact the bottom to side joinery can be done stitch and glue style. No chine log involved and bevels are not part of the construction. In any case I believe that it is a much better idea to use conventional building methods. Set up some building frames and build the boat either right side up, if using S&G method, or upside down if you plan to use chine logs.
    bajansailor and BlueBell like this.
  3. Pericles
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    Pericles Senior Member

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