Fitting a solar charge controller with Isolator question

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by Vulkyn, Jul 2, 2019.

  1. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Hi folks,

    I'm planning on fitting a solar panel with charge controller to my boat, however a friend of mine kindly dropped an isolator unit for me as a gift which means i need to sort of rethink how i will setup my electrics.

    At the moment i have 2 batteries and with the isolator i was going to rig the secondary battery (Aux) at point 2 as shown in the diagram so the alternator charges it once the main battery is fully charged but not sure how i can fit the charge controller in the equation.
    Im using as simple RoHs 10 amp with a single 275 Watt panel, any suggestions / advice is very welcome as always and thanks in advance.

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  2. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

  3. markstrimaran
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    markstrimaran Senior Member

    Manual isolator and charge the battery in parallel. Not sure never seen a isolator like that.
    Electronic with voltage sensing relays. Which automatically turn on and off with min/max voltsges?
  4. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Hi Vulkyn, How is Egypt? You still floating on the Nile? I don't know, but I think the isolator is having two Shottky diodes I guess. I do that often to ensure that the one battery is not discharging into the other one. Bert
  5. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Vulkyn, I had a look at both circuit diagrams, I still think they are 2 schotky diodes. You have a multi-meter and measure resistance between 1 and 1 A and between 2 and 2A. They may have put the 2 diodes seperately. If you measure infinity if your black multi-meter lead is on 1 and the red on 1A , now your reverse the black measuring lead for the red one , (swapping) and you see a resistance of a few hunderd Ohm you do that the same for 2 and 2 A , if that also does the same infinity and a resistance when leads are swapped, then I would connect either 1A with 2A OR 1 with 2 and this depends what your reading was of you multi meter. So that the current can go from plus to your controller + . Don't be shy to ask more questions. Bert
  6. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    BertKu thank you very much!
    So this means:
    1. The charge controller will receive from 2 sources, panel and isolater and charge one battery only.
    2. If the charge controller is not able to handle loads from different sources, then would the isolator fit to the main battery to charge startup battery then once that is charged it would jump to the second battery (aux) ?
    3. So in theory, the isolator would be charging battery aux battery and the charge contoller as well?
    I think i blew a fuse thinking about this .... :S
  7. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Yah VSR was what i was thinking of adding to the mix in case i cant dumb charge the 2 batteries. THere is also a 1, 2, all and off switch in the boat further making me confused :
  8. Chuck Losness
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    Chuck Losness Senior Member

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  9. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Hi Vulkyn, Instead of guessing, did you measure with a Ohm meter from point 1 to 1 A and from 1 A to 1 also the same from 2 A to 2 and from 2 to 2A. That will tell you whether it is a normal 2 Shottkey diodes. That would mean 1 connected to 1A to ONE source of either generator or solar system feeding 2 batteries OR OR OR 2 connected to 2A means 2 sources feeding 1 battery only. Do not guess that your unit is the same but measure. Than if you have measured and know what ios in the box, then you connect as per pfd file. Good luck. Bert
  10. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Thanks BertKu the boat is about 250 KM away from me, so i kind of need to do all my research before going over usually for one day so kind of have to prepare everything before hand :)

    On a side note, i imagine if i connect the charge controller to battery directly and also the boat's rectifier i want cause any feedback loop as both units can reduce the charging to avoid damaging the battery.
  11. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    OK Vulkyn, I am aware that the boat is far from you home, last time you did mentioned that. But I cannot advice you what to do, unless you measure the isolator what the contents is. Is at a diode/rectifier ? Only by measuring you will know that. One way between 1 and 1A some conduction, 1 A to 1 Very high resistance > 100 MegaOhm ? Or is between 1 and 1A a relay contact and between 2 and 2A a coil with a resistance or visa versa? Although the pdf file actual does not state what the content is of model 2702. They only refer the 2702 to 5 connection points and not 4. By measuring you will be 100 % sure.

    If it the 2702 are 2 Schottkey diodes (diode/rectifier), various circuits can be created.
    a) 1A and 2A connected together and 1 to a battery circuit with or without solar controller and 2 to another battery circuit with or without a solar controller OR VISA VERSA after you know in which direction the cathode and anode in the 2702 unit sit.
    b) 1 and 2 connected together and 1A to a battery circuit, with or without solar controller and 2A to another battery circuit with or without a solar controller.
    This totally depends on how the conductivity is.

    MEASURE Please!!!! Even if everybody says look at the pdf file . Because the pdf file has conflicting information. (They refer to 5 points and not to 4 points)

    If you know the direction and content of the unit you received from your friend we can help you.
    If you need to get to the boat first and travel 250 km, lets then look at all options.
    assumption; You have 2 generators ( 2 engines)
    a) between red colour probe (+) Ohmeter and point 1 and black (-) Ohmmeter and point 1A conductivity of 100 to 500 Ohm. Means a diode/rectifier/schottkey diode. You can place alternator to point 1 and connect point 1A to a battery direct, or a switch before a battery or a input to a solar controller with the output to a battery.
    b) The same for 2A and 2, a second battery system as explained above.
    Now you want to connect ONE generator to 2 battery systems.
    In that case
    You connect 1 and 2 together to ONE generator.
    It has nothing to do that you have a Diode/rectifier/Schottkey connected from your battery to your radio, lights etc.

    PLEASE PLEASE measure first, even if you first have to go to your boat next week, you measure first 250 km away.
    Good luck
  12. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Bert that’s fantastic thank you! Ok much clearer now will measure and get back to you.
    Thanks and appreciate your support and patience :)
  13. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

  14. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Yes, but it still not helps you as the your 2702 has 4 points and the drawings for 5 and 6 points. If you understand what the content of the 2702 is, you can use it for 1 engine and 2 batteries or 2 engines and 2 separate system. It is nothing else than to protect your battery for not discharging into an engine generator what is not running or discharging a solar panel system into a non running engine instead of charging the battery. Thus if you figure out the direction of the diode/rectifiers, it is a piece of cake, as the English say. Please send some nice weather this direction, it is winter and cold here!! Bert

  15. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Its around 39 degree celsius at the moment (102.2 Feh.) so by all means take what you want we are melting at the moment .....
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