fishing trawler to pleasure conversion

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by James Wellington, Dec 27, 2022.

  1. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    What was real vague was the truck to camper van. A better analogy would be UPS cube van to Camper. And I asked you for a few specific boats that already have the electtric hybrid system of this Damen boat, and the huge roof for solar. How manyvof those 2,390, 000 do? BTW, the Seaton 60 has a water ballast system. Im waiting for an answer from Damen after new years, on what they recommend. Many guys are just fine with trawler boats, and many builders make them.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  2. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    The Seaton 60 yacht company say its real easy. I think the Finnish Kewatec builders do too.
  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    What is not principled about saying the displacement is excessive? Or that carrying a large water ballast with massive drag and very deep draft costs more and comes with risk of excess draft?

    We don't even have fuel use data. I have to believe it is going to be costly to haul all that water around.
  4. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    What was not principled was Gonzo to say...'' tractor trailor to camper''. I wonder why the Seaton builders though water ballast was a good idea for their 60. Or Kewatec for their 1820. Lets see what the Damen people recommend. And sure, there are several variables we dont know about right now. What would you propose knowing what we do so far?
  5. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    The Damen 2007 Longliner has fish hold space of 85 m^3. Unless I have the wrong spec; you planning to pay to move 85,000kg of water to and fro?

    Maybe get the boat specs and performance data before we speculate much more.

    Those fishing boats try to make thousands of dollars each outing to pay for fuel; the scale is all wrong for private use.

    The Malcolm Tennant powercat Domino cost $10,000 for a fuel fill up, but she gets maybe 3-5mpg and has a sure range of 5000 miles. So, you can travel 1000 miles for say $1500. If your fishing boat costs $3 a mile, or more, over a few trips it'll add up fast, but we are speculating on costs and sorry, but I have no real experience data. Maybe someone else might help understand fuel economy.
  6. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    No I'm not planning to move that around at all. But DID mention other boats that use sea water as ballast. They dont just let it flop around.
    And instead of pure speculation I mentioned we''re in communication with the Damen builder to ask what they suggest.
    Nor do we even know about current fuel consumption. But its a diesel/electric hybrid, and they all get better mileage than straight diesels.
    That's very touching that you're so concerned about our finances, but I never even mentioned the monies involved.
  7. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Guys, why all the hate? MFV to pleasure conversions were not that unusual back in the day. You delete the fishing gear and the refrigerator plant and convert the hold to passenger accommodation. For stability you put lead in the bilges until they are full. The rest you compensate with granite and marble in the bathrooms.

    That beeing said, if we are talking about converting a brand new boat that's not even buildt yet, then no, it doesn't make much sense. You are going to pay a hefty fee for interior design (including systems, not just the pretty parts), plus another one for the new stability calculations (wich must include the redesigned interior). The price difference between this and commissioning a completely new design is negligible for a vessel this size. The benefits of a new design are huge, you don't have all the compromises made initially to design a fishing vessel.
    Damen has in house designers capable of doing all the work, so if you like them as a company you can certainly commission them to do whatever you want. I would certainly ask how much to design and build a new boat that is optimized to do what I want, vs. adapting a multipurpose hull like the Sea Fisher.

    Of course we know about fuel consumption. They use a Caterpillar C18, 447kW@1800rpm, so we are talking 100-200l/h. As for a diesel electric having "better mileage" that is plain wrong even if it's a "hybrid", meaning it has batteries. The only thing you can do is replace part of the diesel with shoreside electricity, wich might or might not be cheaper, depending on what the marina charges.
    TANSL, bajansailor and fallguy like this.
  8. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    No hate from me. A scintilla of reservation about the fuel requirements and water management is all and I qualified my comment with my credential; boat lover.

    At 100L/hr and 8kts/hr, I'm getting say 12L per nm on the low, call it 5 gallons per nm. So fuel use is pretty high versus something like Malcolm Tennant Domino catamaran which is using under 1 gallon per nm. Probably fuel use is at least 6 times as much..unless my math missed..

    And a boat like a Tennant 20M needs no water management and drafts about 40% of the aforementioned.

    I don't care about your pocketbook at all. Just letting you know I expected it to be hard on fuel, slow on speed as well.
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I stand by my analogy. Have you had any experience on fishing trawlers at sea?
  10. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    I used to be a member of a Facebook group called Trawler
    living and cruising or something close. One admin went a little crazy and I exited, but those guys all love the Kady Krogens and Nordhavens. Have you considered them?
  11. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Why does a passenger ship or a pleasure boat need fixed ballast? The answer is simple, because it is a badly done or badly adapted project. Now, if you wish to have a "ballast carrier" ship instead of a "passenger carrier", you are within your rights to have one. Just think of the huge amount of extra fuel you need to consume and, my advice, do not blindly trust those who advise you to put liquid ballast. They may be trying to justify something other than "best project for you", their name is Damen or whatever.
    If there was no other choice, which I doubt, the ballast should be fixed.
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  12. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    Discussing is NOT hate.
    And yes, a new boat doesnt have to take out freezers or other fishing equipment, just not put it in. This boatvalready hasvbathroom, gally, bunks for 5 too, so its only a matter of what to do about the fish storage space. Some suggestions were already given, like huge battery bank, etc
    On fuel//mileage. In all the lit I see from all those european builders who are going hybrid/they all claim about 25- 35% fuel savings. There is also the matter to factor in of that huge room having ascmany solar panels as possible.
    Re, buying and converting an old one....Ive never seen a used fishing boat shaped liked this one.
    Re commissioning a full custom build....yes, possible too. My point was just about compating what they would do with this one , as compared to that Seaton 60.
  13. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    Yes, there is one called Trawlwr Forum, i think it is. But there its sort of a little cliwue of friends who are rude and insulting if you mention anything but their favorite plastic boats. They censor and block you if you defend yourself from them. Its a useless forum for anything different.
    fallguy likes this.
  14. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    So what kind of ballast weight do you prefer to schlepp around all over?

  15. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    I mentioned I like about 5kts speed. And I mention the whole big flat roof with solar panels and large battery bank(which factors onto ballast, stability). So we dontvreally know what the milage could be with this boat, this proposal. If I were only interested in milage, I could get one of those LRC 58s, that get like 1 liter per mile.
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