fishing trawler to pleasure conversion

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by James Wellington, Dec 27, 2022.

  1. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Using fuel (or any consumable) as ballast is not a good idea. In the case of needing to use fuel, will the boat remain unstable to be able to start the engine? Or will you prefer to stop the engine to have a stable boat? Difficult dilemma.
  2. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    The very large displacement of the working boat, means a comparable draft as well. Probably not a desired feature in a pleasure craft.
  3. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    The product details sheet shows 2.85 meters or, 9.5 feet draft, but doesnt give the displacment. So this boat is no good for the Great Loop, or mostveuropean canals.....for sure. But for circumnavigation its fine. Plenty of storage space for lots of food, etc.
  4. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    They have that worked out. They can pump it around to different tanks for ballast/stability.
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Do you know what free surfaces effect is?. Do you know how it affects stability?. Liquid ballast need to be managed very carefully.
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  6. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    I admit that the naval architects thatdesign those systems know more about it than me. But they could be lying about it.
  7. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    If you bought such a vessel; you'd be the one doing all the water management. I think this is what @TANSL is saying.
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  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    On a passenger ship, the difference between the full load condition and that of, for example, arrival at port with 10% of consumption is very small. Therefore, there should be no need to transfer ballast from one tank to another. If you need to do so, you should provide yourself with a computer program that will inform you quickly enough of the stability conditions in each ballast condition. Do what you want, but my advice is not to trust anyone who suggests using liquid ballast for your boat.
    If that hull doesn't serve your purposes, change hull.
  9. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    Yet many motor boats do indeed havesuch full displacement hulls, and I even included on , the Seaton 60. Its considered a real good boat..
  10. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    Im pretty such that if one has that system , its automated, sensors adjust.
  11. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    Yet we know that some boats do, and its automated.
  12. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I see buying a fishing trawler to use as a pleasure vessel, like trying to make a tractor trailer into a motorhome. They are designed and built for different applications. If you got one for free or very cheap, it could make sense. However, to build a new one not so much. There are plenty of "trawler yacht" designs available. They make them look like a work boat, but their displacement and draft are reduced.
  13. James Wellington
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    James Wellington Senior Member

    "Plenty of other designs"? Cite specific examples Which are already hybrid electric and have such a,huge roof for solar capacity? The Seaton 60 doesnt. So far there have been no principled objections, just vague points likecyou mafe.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  14. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    My points are not vague but specific, please re-read my post. I Googled "trawler yacht designs" and got 2,390,000 results. I call that plenty. I understand you are infatuated with your choice. However, it is the proverbial square peg in a round hole. I have worked in trawlers. They have a terrible motion at sea; even when loaded. The top gear at least slows down the rolling, but makes it more pronounced. As far as hybrid-electric, it is not relevant to the hull design. The design will have a power requirement that can be met with a variety of options.

  15. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Sorry but that's not possible.
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