Fishing Garvey/Pram stretch/enlargement question?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Murky Deep, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. Murky Deep
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Murky Deep Junior Member

    Despite having spent a very large amount of time on small boats and having built, and designed then built a few, my posts may have revealed a relative ignorance. Due to work and family demands, I have not had much time to be on the water, however this has cleared my thinking considerably on what I want out of boats and what I am quite happy to settle for.

    In many areas of human psychology, first experiences go far in setting expectations into the future. Fortunately most of my initial experiences in small boats were positive. My first boats, both sail and power, were pram or garvey type hulls.

    Now, after building a number of sharp bowed skiffs, and having two kids in them with me regularly, I understand the practical aspect of the additional load carying per unit of length. Fully utilizing this aspect of a hull seems to be important.

    As a boy and young man, I had a boat very similar to this,12 ft, made of GPR:

    R. Hall (

    12' long, garvey/pram/punt (not totally sure of the exact differences as I see plently of crossover). Four kids or three adults would easily fit in it for fishing or beach trips. It carried hundreds of pounds of camping gear, and we could jump up and down in it.

    Now I am wanting a 13.5 or 15 foot boat of similar proportions. I want aft rocker and use an 8-10 hp 4 stroke at most. It needs to row at least a bit, for sneaking up on fish or keeping a drift while bottom fishing (am I the only or last person who likes to row on the fishing grounds?).

    Note to naysayers: I am fully aware of the risks involved, any build will include floatation. In addition, being middle aged, I no longer fish/boat in bad weather, having learned all the lessons in my teens and twenties.

    I have lofted the boat in the pdf full size. I now want to try scaling up, 1.1x width, and 1.25 length, and probably will try a few different permutations. I might raise the sheer 2" as well.

    Any suggestions?

    I am considering downloading some design software.
  2. Murky Deep
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    Murky Deep Junior Member

    Here is the main diagram: 2B949738-A6D9-4F93-A2B6-DC299D4B0B00.jpeg
  3. fallguy
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  4. Murky Deep
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    Murky Deep Junior Member

    Thank you for the response that is constructive. I would happily build that if I could shell out for a new 35 hp 4 stroke. It looks like a good boat
  5. fallguy
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  6. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Rowing is a lot more difficult with a submerged transom.

  7. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Yes. But you have to decide. Does one wish to row more or motor? I have rowed a wide submerged transom. It sux.

    I'd prefer to motor.
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