First step in the journey

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Fishindawg, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. Fishindawg
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    Fishindawg Junior Member

    Hi guys: I want to learn to design and build a center console from the ground up, from designing and building the mold to final product. What online degree programs would you suggest?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    If you do not want to get a "degree" in boats design but simply acquire the knowledge and tools needed to design and build your boat, it is possible that I can help you. If this sounds interesting, you can email me and we'll talk in more depth.
  3. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Its educational to get a program and play with lines and calculations , but unless you are particularly gifted you cant design a good boat.

    If you like boats and have some special ideas , its best to put them on paper, or disc, then approach a real engineer to refine your concept into a boat.

    A good question would be what computer program best allows you to sketch out ideas, shapes and concepts. im sure some of the computer guys on Boatdesign net can recommend one.
  4. Saqa
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    Saqa Senior Member

    I dont know about building using a mold but if you are after a very simple boat built from flat sheet material then Carlson Hull Designer is very simple to use and comes loaded with a large number of designs and allows you to change them with simple drags. The PDF that comes with the files also layout the steps in a very easy to follow manner. You can google up all the aspects you see there and find hits for lots of papers and discussions that can help explain those factors which can then help you understand how to use more complex programs
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    When a mold is needed to build a hull is, generally, because you can not build it "from flat sheet material." A mold is expensive to build and therefore build it would be unwise if not absolutely necessary.
  6. Fishindawg
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    Fishindawg Junior Member

    The goal

    And the dream is to transition to my second career. So it seems the first step is taking classes toward a degree. Since I still have a day job, I need to go the online route.
  7. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    You're asking two separate things: first is to understand yacht design enough to draw up a good boat and the second is to build a 'glass version of your center console.

    Building a 'glass boat from a mold suggests you're interested in make lots of boats (the only reason for a mold BTW). There are "one off" methods that will get you a single boat, without the huge added expense of a mold. A typical mold could cost several times what a single one off boat would, once everything is said and done. A $100K mold for a $7K boat isn't unusual.

    Then there's the yacht design element of your desires. You can take a correspondence course, such as that at WestLwan, though for a single center console, this seems way more information absorption then you really need, to build a little boat.

    As far as center consoles go, there are hundreds of well proven designs available and it's unlikely you improve much upon them, without many years of small powerboat design experience, so, maybe selecting a good design, buying plans and putting your "touch" and styling clues on it as you build it, would be a better, more efficient use of your time.

    If looking for a career change, a degree program is the usual route (4 years), then you'll spend a decade developing a reputation and learning how things are done, before anyone will consider a commission with an unknown NA or designer. Simply put, a decade and a half, before things bear fruit. You may think this harsh, but it's surprisingly accurate. Most spend this time in a design office (some other NA's office) as they "learn the ropes", eventually busting out and hanging their own shingle.
  8. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    To add some more to Pars post, I can tell you that the average dentist makes more money than most of the pro boat designers and NAs.

    None of us mean to discourage you, we are just telling it like it is.
  9. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Maybe he is just wanting to make a "centre console" ( a station from which a boat can be controlled). I don't see any mention of wanting to design or build an actual boat ! :D
  10. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I don't think his dream for a second career, is to build dozens of center console boxes.
  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Probably not, but if he thinks about it, such a seemingly easy task (designing and building the "box") is enough of a challenge, if done properly, functionally and aesthetically.
  12. Fishindawg
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    Fishindawg Junior Member

    The goal defined

    I ultimately would love to design and build bay boats. Start my own company. I have the capital, I need the know-how. You guys make some good points: I don't know what level of engineering knowledge I need to bring to the table. I am in the unenviable position of "I don't know what I don't know."

    If this was your goal, and your level of knowledge was that of a boater that has reviewed products on the market, where would you start?
  13. Fishindawg
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    Fishindawg Junior Member

    I was thinking, in my first post, that I should learn construction methods and design. Hence, my idea for online classes.
  14. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The first and most important thing to do, although it seems obvious, is perfectly set the boat you want to build. That is, write in as much detail as possible, how should be the boat, how and where to navigate, what you want to do with her, ...

  15. Fishindawg
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    Fishindawg Junior Member

    What do you mean by "set the boat?" I see you are in Spain. I want to design and build the "perfect Florida bay boat." These boats all have a general set of features including variable abilities to handle inshore rough water and fish shallow water.
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