Finite Element Course

Discussion in 'Education' started by ESAU IDROVO, Dec 23, 2023.

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    ESAU IDROVO Junior Member

    Hi, I usually don't post anything, but I need help for a project for my Finite Element Course, I'm student of Naval Architecture and I need help to analyze a "block" between 2 bulkheads of a steel or aluminum hull under 2 conditions, the problem is that I need at least the scantling in that block. If there's anyone that could help me with my project I will be very thankful.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The scantling should either be given to you, or should come from some other calculations in the project. Firstly, what do you mean by a block; is that a section of the hull or deck between two bulkheads? Second, are they giving you applied stress or force and you have to calculate maximum deflection, therefore generating scantlings?
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    ESAU IDROVO Junior Member

    Hi Gonzo, The professor wants the students to analyze a region of a ship made of metal (steel or aluminum), the region must be located between 2 bulkheads at least to be big enough, and for scantling I mean the dimensions of the girders, stiffeners and other reinforcements in the hull in that region, I don't need all the 3d with the scantling and others, just the sections between the bulkheads and the reinforcements along that region to recreate that region of the hull in rhino (if not given the 3d) and then add the reinforcement as planar surfaces, then import it into ANSYS to do the analysis.
    I will analyze the possible points where that "block" could fail because of stress in 2 conditions like under dynamic load, reduction of thickness, applying loads according to some classification rules.
    I hope you could understand, and sorry if I'm not too clear, English is not my mother language.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Do you need to show scantlings from an existing desing or can you use any values that are somewhat realistic?
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

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    ESAU IDROVO Junior Member

    If the design was built, would be great because the purpose of the professor is to do an analysis with real ships and then present the results in a kind of competence with the mechanical degrees students, but the most complicated part I found is to find the model and a "credible" scantling of a big enough ship (could be any type, catamaran, yacht, tanker...), but The engineers that work in shipyards, won't give me anything because the designs they manage are confidential, and honestly I don't have enough contacts, that's why I'm here, and also trying to talk with people and engineers to make this small project work. If you know something that can help me with this, I will be very grateful with you.
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    ESAU IDROVO Junior Member

    Looks great, Is that the midsection of a Catamaran, is real? have a continuous section in midship? I have many questions, sorry if it could bother you.
  8. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    You are overthinking this.
    All you need, is a box shape...simple.
    Then each end of the box, is the WTB....and then set your distant part for the WTBs.
    Then somewhere in between the 2 WTBs, you add your "block" this case, Engine.
    Thus the engine is a solid block that is being supported between to WTBs, and you the design the structure, to support the other words, a built-in beam with a central load.

    That's it.

    But using FEA for this, is a major over kill..especially if there is no background knowledge of how/why FEMs work.

  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I understood "block" to be a section of deck limited between two bulkheads.
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