Finally, Greenpeace gets called to account

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by pdwiley, Sep 24, 2013.

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  1. pdwiley
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    pdwiley Senior Member

    About bloody time these 'activists' realised that actions have consequences.

    Now if only the Japanese will send armed vessels to escort their whaling ships, we can see some real excitement.


    PS: I very strongly disapprove of whaling, but if you want to act like a pirate and deliberately set out to damage & disable ships 'because your cause is just' then cop what's coming to you and celebrate your martyrdom....

    Memo to self: time to write a missive to our new Federal Govt re banning Sea Shepherd ships from Aussie waters.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Why don't the Japanese prosecute them then ? No court has jurisdiction ?
  3. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    I'm not shedding any tears for them. Their attitude isn't that different from the Islamist terrorists who go out and kill people in the name of Allah: "our cause is just. So we can't be held accountable to the laws everyone else follows, or to the norms of civilized behavior."

    If they want to be martyrs, I have no problem with making martyrs out of them. And if they don't want to be martyrs, WTF are they thinking? That because they love every living creature on Earth except humans, they're somehow exempt from the laws and rules the rest of us follow?
  4. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    greenpeace raises awareness. Arctic drilling is unproven and dangerous. Russia has a very poor environmental record.
  5. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

    Certainly, you are right on all points.
    We, in Russia, just want to raise our consumption level to Western standards.
    And there are only 140 mln inhabitants in Russia. What will happen if, for example, China accept the same consumption practice? Or India....
  6. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    This is the problem. The only answer is for the US to reduce its energy consumption so that additional energy is made avAilable for developing economies.
  7. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

    So, don't wonder, if in not-so-developed countries Greenpeace activity is often considered as some sort of Western hypocrisy.
    Why only US? What about EC?
  8. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Well i just bought diesel fuel in Italy. One euro and eighty seven cents per litre. This high price encourages energy efficency.

    What is the cost of energy in russia? Do you use it efficiently
  9. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    Attacking a boat at sea is piracy, whatever the "just" cause. Sink em.
  10. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

    May be, may be. But, it seems to me, that fuel prices must be compared with average income.
    Thanks God, cheaper. Around 1 US dollar per liter of diesel.
    Not very efficiently. Per capita energy consumption in Russia is approximately the same as in Sweden or Norway, and around 1.5 times higher than in Italy. I think it is result of cold winter and less per capita production in Russia.
    But I’m not speaking about Russia, mainly, but about countries in Africa and Asia with energy consumption 5-10 times less than average in developed countries. Is it because they are extremely energy efficient?
  11. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    The whole West is trying to drastically reduce it's consumption levels because it is unsustainable in the long run. I hope you will be wiser than that.

    Very true. Which indeed can be viewed as a dangerous and subversive activity. ;)

    Anyways, there are many ways in which Greenpeace raises awareness, not just by making glamorous and risky actions against polluting industries. One of these is by creating informative publications which can be downloaded from their site. Things like these cannot be found on Fox News, and similar:

    Getting informed about things from a point of view directly opposite to the mainstream media (mostly corporation-funded or controlled by the politics) is a good thing for the democracy. No, wrong. It is of PARAMOUNT importance for the democracy.
  12. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

    Are you speaking about fuel consumption or general consumption?
    Have great doubts.
  13. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Well in southern europe the brutal economic crisis has drastically reduced consumption !
  14. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Definitely yes. Just few years ago the average car speed you could notice on Italian highways was just beyond the maximum speed limit (which is 130 km/h).

    Last day I was in a hurry for a meeting in Genova, and at an average speed of 135 km/h (there's a tolerance on speed limits, under 138-140 km/h one is safe from speeding tickets) was among the fastest on the highway. People tend to cruise at around 115-120 km/h now, because of high fuel prices.

  15. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    I was just reading the local paper in Menorca. Automobile traffic on the autoroute has fallen 25 percent since 2008
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