Final year project

Discussion in 'Education' started by tsuji_kenji, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. tsuji_kenji
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    tsuji_kenji Junior Member

    I'm from Malaysian Institute of Marine Eng. Tech,Malaysia..i'm looking for my final year project next semester, for degree in naval architecture and,i hope that all naval architect n marine expert n student can give me advice and idea for my project..thanx..
  2. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Pick something that interests you, otherwise it is just going to be a chore to do. This is the fun part, and you should pick a topic on what got you interested in naval architecture in the first place....because it sure wasn't the money ;)
  3. tsuji_kenji
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    tsuji_kenji Junior Member

    thanks for your opinion mr jeherdiman..if i do a project about 'tug boat:estimation of total resistance using ittc 1957',what do u think?or u have a another great idea?
  4. b1ck0
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    b1ck0 Senior Member

    This sounds more like a homework than a diploma thesis ...

    Introduction of RANS-CFD into the Initial Design Process // or
    Use of CFD methods for hullform optimisation // or
    Torsion stress in extremely large container vessels // or
    Methods for draft survey in ship operating conditions for maximum fuel efficiency // or
    Vibration analysis of WasserTrecker ( tug boat with Voith-Schnaider propeller )

    edit: By the way you should ask your professors on what topics they are working on in order to choose a proper topic for your thesis. There is no point of making some thesis that anyone really needs, only because you want so ...
  5. tsuji_kenji
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    tsuji_kenji Junior Member

    yeah..that true...i have some problem and dilemma to choose for 1 topic in my final year's my title sound like homework fren?i really don't mind because i need to know the truth..hope u can reply my message..thanks/
  6. b1ck0
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    b1ck0 Senior Member

    Well, first make us know, what level of degree you will recieve ( Bachelor, Master ) and what is your education ( engineer or not engineer ). I said that you topic sounds like a homework, because it's a routine operation and you have whole algorithm in from of you ( you don't need to think ). In my opinion you should deal with something more specific for example:

    Methods for draft survey in ship operating conditions for maximum fuel efficiency

    This topic is really easy in terms of knowledge that you need to deal with it, but you should think a lot, because there are not so many methods available and you need to offer a new one ( at least one ) and believe me you will learn a lot after you make it.

    edit: I hope that other people will take a part in this topic
  7. tsuji_kenji
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    tsuji_kenji Junior Member

    thanks a lot mr. b1ck0 about your idea,suggestion n opinion. i'm very appriciate.
    i am from malaysian institute of marine engineering technology,studying in BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY(HONS.) IN NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND SHIPBUILDING.

    so,i've studied a little bit about 'Methods for draft survey in ship operating conditions for maximum fuel efficiency' from and he had done 1 software for that.

    so,my question,it is possible for me to do the different way of calculation where i've not complete my study and have no experience?

  8. Saildude
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    Saildude Junior Member

    Ask your adviser what has been done in the past to get a feel for the type and scope (size) of the project.

    Part of the intent of what we called a Senior Research & Development Project when I was in school was several fold. One to show what you had learned so far and for you to show how you could apply your knowledge to a new area or how you could combine different areas of study into one end project of some sort. So no you don't need to know all there is about what you are going to do - learning should be part of your senior project.

    And yes - pick something that you are interested in - something that you can maybe have some fun with.
  9. tsuji_kenji
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    tsuji_kenji Junior Member

    thanks a lot for your advises mr. saildude...
    i hope i can do the rite things for my final year project..

  10. quicksail
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    quicksail Junior Member

    Personally I would steer clear of a full on vessel design. There is just too much work involved to do it right. I would look at hull optimization or something and get some models in the tow tank and analyze. Or do something structural like build a couple scale models of structural arrangements and then use a press and bend the crap out of them and compare to the theoretical values.

    If I had my time back I think I would have liked to do something like the Slocum glider. Theory is fundamental, you get to build something and there are some interesting challenges you need to work around to do it. Managing the scope of the project is critical as you are just one guy and you can get bogged down in the details if you are not careful. But if you don't get the details the project look amaturish. Pick something you can do right and polish off the details, that's the key. Also wished I did some kind of foil born vessel, as we all like fast thing flying out of the water!

    Good luck with it. Keep it fun as suggested as the real work will soon be coming.


  11. Writer10
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    Writer10 New Member

    How about a project that focuses more on how the sea life could not be harmed due to vessels.Something like Ship's interference in aquatics marine life?
    or how our reef is getting damaged due to toxic waste.Hope these topics are also related!Try to search more on it.
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