Fillips Viper

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by sawmaster, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. sawmaster
    Joined: May 2010
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    sawmaster Senior Member

    A friend of mine just acquired a 15 ft dinghy produced in 1971 by the Fillips manufacturing company out of San Angelo,Texas.It was called the Viper.So far Ive only Been able to find 1 photo online,but cant find anything showing a planform view.Does anyone Know where I could find drawings or more photos?--I will see it in person before too long but would appreciate any further info anyone else might have .---Thanks
  2. FMS
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    FMS Senior Member

  3. sawmaster
    Joined: May 2010
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    sawmaster Senior Member

    Thanks,FMS--I had forgotten to check the gallery on sailing texas.I was able to see what I wanted to see.Appreciate your help!
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