fiberglass foam sandwich mast

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by pironiero, Sep 5, 2021.

  1. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    If fiberglass for a mast is too flexible on its own- isn't it worth it to use foam sandwich to stiffen it?
    or weight\price benefits in this case will be non existent?
  2. upchurchmr
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    A mast bends based on the stiffness of the outermost fibers and the size. and the direction of the fibers - they need to be along the direction of the mast (mostly).
    Adding foam then glass inside means you are adding stiffness where it is not most used.
    So that is extra weight which is not taking the bending in the most efficient weight.

    If your mast is so thin that it will dent from outside forces, then foam/ glass will help with that, but you might be better off just putting the extra weight in the outside.

    If you have foam, and you need to put a fastener thru it, you need to have taken out the foam and replaced it with something hard locally - wood, glass, etc.
    pironiero likes this.
  3. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    Thank you very, VERY much!
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