fiberglass console

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by FISHALOT, Jul 19, 2012.

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    FISHALOT Junior Member

    I have just started a new project of building a new center console. My goal is to get rid of all the wood in the boat. I have built a mold out of plywood and used the fiber glass cloth, three layers so far. I used Bondo brand resin. I pulled the mold out and found that the new console is still very flimsy. I not sure if I should keep adding layers or what I am useing is junk and should start over. Any advise would be great.

  2. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    You did not specify the weight of fiberglass cloth you are using. Foam can be used as a core to add stiffness with less weight than solid glass. If you were still designing you could add some shapes or extrusions to reduce the panel spans and increase stiffness. With the exterior already molded, you can still add some foam pieces to glass over where you need stiffeners.
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    FISHALOT Junior Member

    Thank you for your quick response. I was using 6oz cloth, im new to fiberglassing. What kind of foam?

    Thanks for your time.

  4. noli
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    noli Junior Member


    There are two types of foam one could use: high-density and low-density

    the high-density are used in some hi performance hulls

    Four your purposes, and if you haven't yet laid too many glass layers, I would use the low-density foam, then vacuum bag

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