fiberglass by carpenters polyurethane glue on glass fibers ??

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by mustafaumu sarac, Aug 7, 2022.

  1. mustafaumu sarac
    Joined: May 2017
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    I am asking that can I make fiberglass with carpenters glue on glass roving?

  2. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    It all depends on what you plan to do with the item you make this way.
  3. mustafaumu sarac
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    2.4x1.4 meters triangular prism sailboat fully enclosed
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You can, but it will not last long in the water.
  5. mustafaumu sarac
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    does marine polyurethane glue withstand the sea water ? Or if I paint the boat ?

    would composite very strong ?
  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Marine PU glues are waterproof. Whether or not they would work with the glass, I do not know.

    The typical problem wetting out fabrics is if the glues dry too quickly; you cannot get the fabric to consolidate to the substrate. Dry glues or resins do not fully wet the fabric and the bond to the substrate can be compromised.

    Most of the PU glues here are more expensive than epoxy.

    Do you have a cheap source of PU glue?

    See what the dry time is...

    You are overposting. All of this needs to be in one thread. I admire your wishes to build a boat, but please remain polite on the forum.

    Also, not sure if pu glue is thin enough to get into the fiberglass fabric enough...
    mustafaumu sarac likes this.
  7. mustafaumu sarac
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    I succeeded to design smallest and easiest boat. PU costs less than 5 dollar per liter , local epoxy costs 10 dollars and WEST costs 24 dollars per liters
  8. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Get the tds of the $5 PU glue and post it here.
  9. wet feet
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    wet feet Senior Member

    If the question is can you wet out dry glass,in either cloth or mat form with polyurethane glue,the answer is probably (almost certainly) not.If you wanted to attach wooden blocks to a laminated component,such as headlining supports,then you can do so,I'm reasonably certain that there is nothng in the glue that would break down the sizing on the strands and allow the glue to bond to the surface of the individual fibres.Similarly I'm fairly sure that the polyurethane glue won't cure if you attempt to use it as a laminating resin;the reason being that it cures by moisture absorption and unlike wood,there isn't any moisture in the glass to initiate the curing process.For a low cost laminate just use polyester which is by far the most common laminating resin in the boating world.Unfortunately is is a lot more expensive than it was five years ago,but then the same applies to epoxy from a much higher starting point.
    fallguy likes this.

  10. keith66
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    keith66 Senior Member

    When you are laying up fibreglass with resin one of the primary requirements is to get all the air out either with operator skill & rollers or vacumn bagging of some sort. Using a polyurethane glue instead of resin that foams up as it cures kind of defeats the object, Be interesting watching someone try to roll the air bubbles out!
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