Fiberglass and/or Painting the Hull

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by cpodest, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. cpodest
    Joined: Mar 2014
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    Location: Ilhabela - Brasil

    cpodest The Beginner

    Dear Guys,

    For a long time I been working in the construction of my first boat using stich and glue technique.

    the pieces were cutted, coated with 1 or 2 layers of epoxy (just the outside part of the pieces), stitched, glued and fiberglassed all the joints, inside and outside the boat. For budget reasons I would like to have your opinion on fiberglassing and/or painting the hull.

    It is necesary to fiberglass all outside hull? can I forget the fiberglassing and coat with 2 or 3 layers of epoxy paint? Are some coat layers, good enought to seal the hull?

    The boat is a little dinghy, LOA: 3,5mts, and 0,250 mts3 of displacement. And will be used in calm sea water, learning to sail.

    Thanks a lot for your help
  2. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

    No it is not necessary to fully glass the hull. I have built boats both ways. One is fiberglassed on the bottom and about 4 inches up the sides. The other is like yours. I glassed all the joints but did not glass the outside of the hull. Both are about 4 years old and just fine. I think the glass makes the larger boat a little tougher. It is glassed because it gets launched from the beach and dragged across sand and gravel. So the glass helps prevent damage. It also has about 6 coats of polyurethane paint on it over an epoxy base coat. The other is a small sailing dinghy and is so light it never gets dragged across the beach. So I don't worry about damage. I have left it clear so you can see the wood.
  3. cpodest
    Joined: Mar 2014
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    Location: Ilhabela - Brasil

    cpodest The Beginner

    Thanks a lot Ike for your helpĀ”
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