Fiberform motor cruiser range - 1977 catalogue

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by bajansailor, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Alaska boat guy
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    Alaska boat guy New Member

    I'm still having problems finding out which boat this is

    I cannot find much more information than the plate with numbers on my fiber form. I very much appreciate the catalog but I cannot find the post with the second half of the catalog. Can you shoot me a link? This was my grand fathers boat until he passed in at neglected until a tree fell on it at which point I had enough.I asked for the boat and have a full restore in mind.the hull is in great shape as well as the transom.that I knew for sure.But, I still don't know what type of boat it is yet

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  2. Commuter Boats
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    Commuter Boats Commuter Boats

    It's a 22 foot fiber form, probably mid to late 70s, originally powered with a stern drive and has been converted to outboard with a homemade bracket. Even in our neighborhood it is of questionable value and less the sentimental value is more significant than the need to be practical.

    During the 70s Fiber Form and Bayliner were competing for the same market ( as was Rinnell ), the first time boat buyer market was their mainstay.
    I'm a little north of you and would suggest that you could probably find a better starter for big project.

    Lift up the hatches and attempt to push a screwdriver into the hull stringers and bulkheads.
  3. Alaska boat guy
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    Alaska boat guy New Member

    Thank you for the information.thus will be the project boat.mute sentimental value than any other object I have.we spent every summer in this boat until he passed from cancer.the final work we had been doing too it when he was diagnosed was that the hull was inspected and find to be good.some stringer work was needed and completed.a complete new transom was installed along with the supported brackets from aluminum beans inside where the old in board had been. He put those motors in brand new from the factory and had run them for 16 hours total before he pulled it out for the last time. He poured marvel mystery oil into the cylinders and a pre sea foam additive into the carburetor then sealed them up for later use. For me it's just the completing of a project that I started with my grandfather as a give my children the same opportunity that he gave me.this boat is the reason I am do passionate about being on the may not be the last ocean boat I ever have but it is a dream I've had in my heart since he passed away on my birthday at 12 years old. This old man my best childhood friend would be proud to see it completed so now I start by getting information. Is there a model name that you see
    Are aware of? Cuddy cabin? I'm just not sure yet
  4. Commuter Boats
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    Commuter Boats Commuter Boats

    I'm sorry for your loss and can completely understand your need to follow through on the project. I don't know the model name, I was working for the other guys ( Bayliner etc. ) in the mid-70s and didn't pay much attention to the Fiber Form line.

    I'm in Sitka, been in the repair business since the 70s and if there's anything I can do to help, let me know.
    Edited, I was mistaken as to your location, I'm a few hundred miles south of you.
  5. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Further to my original posts, Photobucket are now demanding a ransom of a US$ 500 / year subscription to allow my posted photos to be seen on here, so I shall re-post them now as attachments instead.
    1 - Fiberform 15 Surfrider 001.jpg 2 - Fiberform 16 Columbia 001.jpg 3 - Fiberform 17 Bowrider 001.jpg 4 - Fiberform 17 Waikiki 001.jpg 5 - Fiberform 18 Monterey 001.jpg 6 - Fiberform 19 Islander 001.jpg 7 - Fiberform 19 Monterey 001.jpg 8 - Fiberform 19 Surfrider 001.jpg 8 - Fiberform 1900 Offshore 001.jpg 9 - Fiberform 21 Cuddy 001.jpg 10 - Fiberform 22 Chinook 001.jpg
  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Here are the next 10 : 11 - Fiberform 22 Baja 001.jpg 12 - Fiberform 22 Westporter 001.jpg 13 - Fiberform 24 Baja 001.jpg 14 - Fiberform 24 Chinook 001.jpg 15 - Fiberform 24 Cruiser .jpg 16 - Fiberform 24 Cuddy 001.jpg 17 - Fiberform 2400 Bermuda 001.jpg 18 - Fiberform 2425 Bermuda 001.jpg 19 - Fiberform 2450 Bermuda 001.jpg 20 - Fiberform 2475 Bermuda 001.jpg
  7. Nicole Lemon
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    Nicole Lemon Lemonaide

    Long shot in the dark here. I have googled till I could not see straight and I am having a bit of an issue trying to find more pictures. I just acquired a 1977 Fiberform 2650 Baja CB. Well at least that is what the Original Owners Manual I found on the boat said. But I look at the pictures here and it doesnt seem to match up. The fly bridge has 2 bench seats on it and it has a Head. the overall length of the boat including the swim step is 28'. And its Beam is 10' . It has a single screw and I am sure the engine is newer than the boat since the manual I found was for a Volvo engine and theres a Ford 302 in it now. My husband and I are trying to re-do some of the interior and I can not for the life of me find any pictures of the inside that match up to the configuration we have. Just any specs on the boat period would be nice. Help!!
  8. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    Are you trying to rebuild to original, or just get back on the water with an updated boat?

    There's rarely much info on old F/G boats, and for just getting them in good shape again most of the info is useless anyhow, just rebuild it as needed with currently available products and materials.

    I know people are always curious about their old boats, but most of the time the desired info didn't survive over the decades.
  9. Nicole Lemon
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    Nicole Lemon Lemonaide

    It would be nice to have it redone to original, but I cant figure out which one it is. The manual has the original owners info in it and they wrote in that it was a 2650 baja cb. But what I can see it doesnt seem to fit the specs. like the cut out on the stern to walk on to the boat from swim step, second row seating on the fly bridge.

    Did they do customizing by order on these kind of boats where you can pick and choose certain parts from different models? I mostly want something to compare to when I show family and friends.

    Here are the pictures of my boat. Please ignore the mess we were cleaning it out and trying to clean it up and inventory what there was and what we needed.

    20180721_142825.jpg 20180721_142831.jpg 20180721_142838.jpg 20180721_142841.jpg 20180721_142846.jpg 20180721_142853.jpg 20180721_142856.jpg 20180721_142929.jpg 20180721_143032.jpg 20180721_143043.jpg 20180721_143053.jpg 20180721_143109.jpg 20180523_131404.jpg 20180523_141632.jpg

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  10. Ken Klaumann
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    Ken Klaumann New Member

    I have a Fiber Form 24' baja CB

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  11. Ken Klaumann
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    Ken Klaumann New Member

  12. Johnny
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    Johnny New Member


    I'm busy working on this one. It's getting a new motor
    It was a barn find.
    168879374_272928774456146_2629088346963254047_n.jpg 168479272_271827814566242_7748710560463720730_n.jpg 679054-1617546147-487776.JPG 168774707_271828231232867_236204082440903661_n.jpg 168833636_271828447899512_5094652736970668441_n.jpg 168692994_271829517899405_8279318922672025225_n.jpg 679054-1617546107-00262.jpg
    bajansailor likes this.
  13. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Johnny.

    Your barn find looks wonderful - was she in this condition when you found her, or have you done a lot of work on her already?
  14. Johnny
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    Johnny New Member

    This is the condition I found it in. It does run, out drive shifts forward and reverse. I have done nothing to it except start it up then take it to a shop for a new motor and have the out drive gone through to make sure it lasts a few years.

  15. Fiberformfun
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    Fiberformfun Junior Member

    Wow, 3 really sharp boats there. Johnny, your barn find looks brand new. I admire Fiberforms a lot. For a couple years now I have been watching marketplace and craigs for different model Fiberforms. Most are completely neglected but once in a while you see one that has been cared for. I have seen many variations. I have a 1978 20' 20K model. It has a 470 inline 4 with Mercruiser outdrive. I am slowly going through it. I had every single decal big and small reproduced. I intend to remove all of them, buff the hull and above deck and reapply all new decals. Sew up a complete new top for it, and I already have a completely rebuilt motor waiting on a stand to go in. I also bought replacement outdrive parts and when the motor or outdrive shows signs of needing replacement, I will swap in the fresh parts. Till then the boat runs well and my wife and I mainly use it on the upper and lower Priest Lake up here in the Idaho Panhandle. I only wish I had found a 21-22 foot boat. My feet hang off the bed. :) I do really like this boat though. Here is a picture at anchor on the upper Priest Lake. A picture of an ad for my boat. And another ad I just found today while looking for something else. It is a line up of 36 different models for the 1979 model year. I welcome any talk on Fiberforms. They are great solid boats.





    Thank all for posting pictures of the brochures and boats.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2021
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