Fiberform Fuel Capacity

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Nicole Lemon, Aug 13, 2018.

  1. Nicole Lemon
    Joined: Jul 2018
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    Nicole Lemon Lemonaide

    Just bought a '77 Fiberform cabin cruiser from a gentleman who didnt really know his boat. We are trying to figure out the fuel capacity on this boat and I am getting mixed insight on weather or not my boat has two tanks or one. Anyone have any tips or tricks on how I can figure this one out? Pictures for reference. I believe its a Sedan? The exact model has been a mystery to us. its 28' overall and has a 10' beam.

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  2. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    How many fuel fills does it have? If it has only one then odds are it has only one tank. If it has two fills then it most likely has two tanks. The tanks should be accessible for inspection. The top of the tank where the fuel fittings are is required to be accessible. The boat looks to be in good shape. Also how many fuel gauges are there. If you have two then it has two tanks.

    The photos are ok but you need to rotate them so they are all upright. Windows photo viewer will do that for you. If you used a phone camera the built in software will rotate them as well.
  3. Ike
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  4. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    In Nicole's defense. Any time I try to upload a photo in portrait dimensions to this forum, it is rotated to landscape.
  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    I too have had issues posting photos here. I don't know why it does that. I now post any photos on Flickr and then link them here. It works better.
    Anyway, there has been an ongoing discussion about Fiberform on the link I posted. Someone involved in that discussion may know what model boat this is and may have better answers to location, size, number of, fuel tanks. I am just guessing based on experience with many boat manufacturers.
  6. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    Images in first post should be rotated correctly now (rotated and re-saved the 4 sideways jpgs in the correct orientation with photoshop) and have noted issue with some exif rotation tags being ignored. Will see about improving that.
  7. Nicole Lemon
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    Nicole Lemon Lemonaide

  8. Nicole Lemon
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    Nicole Lemon Lemonaide

    Theres only one fuel fill but there is a switch on the control board for the fuel tank that says port/starboard/*middle* and the previous owner said he always kept it on port. Im not sure if that means anything
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Have you looked under the hatches? How many fuel lines are feeding into the switch?

  10. Nicole Lemon
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    Nicole Lemon Lemonaide

    Gonna have to see if I can find that. This is the biggest boat that weve ever owned and it has a lot going on in those hatches. And not much to go on in terms of identification. Lots of wiring and lines. Some are obvious but alot is not.
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