Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by Mick Mocin, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. Mick Mocin
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    Mick Mocin Junior Member

    Hi All,

    I am trying to find any information on my current motor which is a FIAT OM CP3-SM. All I can find on Google is a one page document. I would like to know compression, timing for diesel pump ect. Currently I have an issue with a large plume of white smoke during start so trying to fault find. So I am about to remove the injection pump after having the injectors done. Compression is constant at 235psi without using an injector so that works out about right. Any information would be great. I have attached an early photo after purchasing the boat. At the moment there a lot of parts off the motor and less fluid in the bilge. She was not looked after but she will be.

    Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
  2. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Michael,​

    Check this thread (German), the asker there has two of them in a 1979 Cigala & Bertinetti, Narvalo 33 Flybridge...


    ‘‘ Der motor (CP3) wurde in den 70ern angeblich im traktor FIAT 1300 und diversen ALLIS arbeitsmaschinen eingebaut und wird wohl manchen stromgenerator angetrieben haben. ’’
    ‘‘ The engine (CP3) was supposedly built in the tractor FIAT 1300 in the 70's and in various ALLIS working machines and will probably have driven some electricity generators. ’’

    I'll try to dig into it tonight . . :cool:

    Good luck !!​
  3. Mick Mocin
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    Mick Mocin Junior Member

  4. Mick Mocin
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    Mick Mocin Junior Member

    Hi Angelique,

    Thankyou so much for the information as it is the most I have had on the motor. I will try and look at the FIAT 1300 Tractor and that might give some leads.

    Hallo Angelique,

    Vielen Dank für die Information, wie es das ist, was ich am Motor hatte. Ich werde versuchen, den FIAT 1300 Traktor anzuschauen und das könnte ein paar Leads geben.

  5. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Mick,

    I almost know the brand of the watch of the guy that first started your engine, but alas* no manual yet . . :(

    * meaning, not counting the ones from Argentina on paper in Spanish for sale asking from AR $ 250 to AR $ 450 each and not sure if they are the right ones :confused:

    While looking for the engine I came across the sales pictures of your boat that still wander around on the web while the ads for it are expired since long, so I've found it's a Thomascraft 32' Flybridge Cruiser powered by a 164 KW Fiat diesel engine in WA....

    Picture: - 1 - - - 2 - - - 3 - - - 4 - - - 5 - - - 6 - - - 7 - - - 8 - - - 9 - - - 10 - - - 11 - - - 12 - - - 13 - - - 14 - - - 15

    Certainly worth the trouble I would say !

    I'll post the rest of the info bit by bit later when time suits . . o_O
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
  6. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Note: the Argentine peso is identified by the $ symbol preceding the amount in the same way as many countries with dollar currencies do, the Argentine peso code = ARS. I've corrected this in my above post from US $ (USD) to AR $ (ARS) and have added conversion links to Oz $ (AUD).
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Generic information relevant to diesel engines may suffice to trouble-shoot your engine, without the specific workshop manual. White smoke may indicate malfunctioning glow-plugs (if present), extreme cold conditions, insufficient compression.....just from a few seconds googling.
  8. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
  9. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    To add to Mr. E,

    Here some more general information about white smoke from a diesel engine of which according to post #1 some already has been checked . . .

    ‘‘ . . . . . . . I have an issue with a large plume of white smoke during start . . . . . . . ’’​

    Cost Effective Solutions to engine problems ---> Diesel Smoke tells YOU a Story… = quote source

    ‘‘ WHITE SMOKE occurs when raw diesel comes through the exhaust completely intact and unburned. Some causes of this include
    • Faulty or damaged injectors
    • Incorrect injection timing (could be a worn timing gear or damaged crankshaft keyway).
    • Low cylinder compression (eg caused by leaking or broken valves, piston ring sticking, cylinder and/or ring wear, or cylinder glaze)
    When white smoke occurs at cold start, and then disappears as the engine warms up, the most common causes are fouling deposits around piston rings and/or cylinder glazing. Use of our Flushing Oil Concentrate and FTC Decarbonizer address these respective problems.

    Water entering combustion spaces will also create white smoke. Faulty head gaskets and cracked cylinder heads or blocks are a common cause of water entry, and are often to blame. Unfortunately, expensive mechanical repair is the only proper solution here.

    Note: the smell of the white smoke will tell you whether there's evaporated unburned diesel in it or the origin is internal water leakage to the cylinders which is evaporated to steam in the combustion process.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
  10. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

  11. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    OK, continuing, this could be the one page that you already have....

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
  12. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Breaking down the engine code to find the basic engine type № which goes for all versions, to ease the search for a manual of basically the same engine from another field and set for an diferent kind of application.


    FIAT = Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino - (Italian Automobiles Factory, Turin)
    For this engine it's actually Fiat V.I. = Fiat Veicoli Industriali - (Fiat Industrial Vehicles)
    Fiat V.I. was later merged together with many other brands into IVECO = Industrial Vehicles Corporation

    AIFO = Applicazioni Industriali Fiat OM - (Industrial Applications Fiat OM)

    OM = Officine Meccaniche - (Mechanical Workshops)
    An in 1918 founded Italian car and truck manufacturing company that later became a part of Fiat V.I. in AIFO and as such later also was merged into IVECO.

    CP3 = basic engine type № that identifies the 7.4 L straight 6 of / FIAT / AIFO / OM /

    SM = addition to the basic engine type № in connection with the adjustments to the intended use.
    S = (haven't figured that out yet)
    M = Marino - (Marine) -- that's my best guess for the M​

    The CP3 engine had many applications in many fields with many different appendage embodiments and also many different - power - torque - rpm - output settings and cooling systems such as in the marine version.

    P.S. - - See post #16 of Rumars:
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
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  13. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Two engines Aifo CP3 SM 220 CV (CV = HP) for sale.

    They're asking € 6,000 each, or for the two of them, don't know . . o_O

    Note: AIFO contains the names FIAT and OM, so it's exactly the post #1 engine type, with also the right power output specified.

    1 [​IMG]

    2 [​IMG]

    ↓ Looks like the same engines, parked the other way around... ↓​

    1 + 2 [​IMG]

    There's talk in the ad they have remade pumps and run very well, only need paint, etc. etc. . . . :confused:

    Maybe they have manuals and are willing to scan and e-mail them, could be worth asking . . :cool:

    P.S. - - Just saw it's a June 2009 ad . . :(
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
  14. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Helge from Germany has 2 x a Fiat Aifo CP3 SM in his Neptunus 131 Mahou, he's looking for spare parts, it's a recent message so one could post there and ask if he has a manual and is willing to scan and e-mail it . .

    April 25, 2017 - Fiat Aifo CP3 SM Abstellmagnet gesucht

    ‘‘ Ich suche für einen Fiat Aifo CP3 SM Mod. 002309 BJ ca 1975 (Iveco Motoren) einen Abstellmagneten 24V. Hat von euch einer einen Tip wo ich diese bekomme? Leider sind die Nummern auf dem Magneten nicht mehr erkennbar. ’’

    From the pictures I think the ‘‘Abstellmagneten 24V ’’ he's looking for is the solenoid on the fuel pump for pulling the rack to stop the engine.





    Below an example of a Neptunus 131 from a sales ad...

    Neptunus 131 Fly AK - - (AK = AC = aft cabin)
    L = 13.1 m - - B = 4.0 m - - D = 1.0 m - - Weight = 11,000 kg

    Engines: - 2 x 270 HP - Volvo Penta TAMD70C​
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017

  15. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    S = Sovralimentazione (supercharged)
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