.fbm to .IGES convertion (DelftShip to Rhino 3D)

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by BTG YACHT DSGN, Jun 20, 2010.

  1. Alesso
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    Alesso ...

    Hi Adler
    Thanks for the try. I built it in Delftship 9. But I have just finished to reshape the model on FreeShip so I can export to iges now.
  2. Adler
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    Adler Senior Member

    Try always to save your jod in .dxf mode 3d (Autocad 2007 level).
    You will have more conversion options and a fair base to compare
    the changes.

  3. Riccardo Sercia
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    Riccardo Sercia New Member

    Hi everyone,
    I would be very grateful if somebody would be so kind and convert (export) my .fbm file in IGES files format so that I can open it in Solidworks (seems to call for an IGES file format).

    I really appreciate your help, I have spent a lot of time to create this model and I have now realised I can not extract IGES files format.
    Sorry for the time, but I need them ASAAP.

    Many Thanks

    Attached Files:

  4. Riccardo Sercia
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    Riccardo Sercia New Member

    I would be very grateful if somebody would be so kind and convert (export) my .fbm file into IGES file format so that I can open it as a precise 3D surface in Rhino (seems to call for an IGES file format).

    I'm goin mad with tracing the hull lines and every time I loft the profiles the hull has some unwanted imperfections (wrinkles...).

    Please do help me. It's a matter not only of the project, but also of my personal health :D

    Kind regards,

  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.
    I get an error when I try to load the file with DelftShip. "Error reading from file"
    My DelftShip version 8.09 (297)
  6. Riccardo Sercia
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    Riccardo Sercia New Member

    Dear TANSL- thanks for the feedback.

    The actual version of Delftship I am using is 12.20(321).
    I hope someone can convert export the file into a IGES cause I can' t by using this free version of Delftship
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    If the boat is not very complicated and you have a body lines plan I will make the 3D model in iges format.

  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I have already managed to open the file. It seems that it is not possible to export files in iges format from DELFTship.
    All you can do is create a 2D body lines plan in dxf format. In this format, you can open it, for example, in AutoCAD and there create the 3D model in the format you need.
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