favorite center console 18-28?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by sandrailer, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. sandrailer
    Joined: Aug 2013
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    sandrailer Junior Member

    whats your favorite center console for ocean fishing ?
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    It must be very hard to pick a favourite out of the hundreds of different fairly stereotypical monohull designs, so I shall chose the Powercat 525 - I think it would tick all the boxes, and have much better fuel economy than a similar size monohull.
    I have never been on one of these, but I have been out on a couple of very similar craft, and they had excellent seakeeping.

    These Aspen power cats look very neat as well - http://www.aspenpowercatamarans.com/pages/28AspenL_90.html

    Or a 27' World Cat?

    Glacier Bay cats have a good reputation as well - http://www.glacierbaycats.com/site/2665-powercatamaran-centerconsole/
  3. sandrailer
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    sandrailer Junior Member

    those are nice looking monohulls .I also have never tried a mono center console fishing boat .
    I have owned a mako center console [not my choice] and a huckfin that i really liked.

  4. Grey Ghost
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    Grey Ghost Senior Member

    Intrepid, Yellowfin, Pursuit, Regulator, Jupiter
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